Chapter 12: EOMMA IM SORRY !!!!!!

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        He zapped the plates making them disappear. "I'm full." I said rubbing my tummy. Youngjae just stared at me, his eyes turning pink in the process. "Hehehehe why are your eyes always turning pink." I giggled. "It's because... i love you." he said and then looked down. My heart started to beat fast and heat aroused from my cheeks. He then held my hand. "I-i love you too." I stuttered, while blushing. He leaned in and pecked my lips softly. He was about to pull away but i pulled him back, grabbing his neck. He kissed me back, holding onto my waist.I felt uncomfortable, it reminded me of... what happened that night, but i forced myself to forget it. I got on top of Youngjae not breaking the kiss. He bit my lip softly and i groaned. There was then a knock on the door. I then pulled away. I removed myself from youngjae as he got up and went to the door. He opened the door and i saw Changbin waiting right there. "Hey jae." Changbin said. "Hey CB." He said and they laughed. "Well we should go, appa and eomma is waiting for us." He said and looked at me. I stood up and walked to the door. "Bye jae.." i said and pecked his lips softly. "Yuck stop the PDA (Public display of affection) and let's go." Changbin yelled leaving, making me and Youngjae laugh.

Time skip____------------------

                When we got home we opened the door and walked in. As soon i stepped in my mom ran into me, hugging me tight. "U-uh." I stuttered confused. Appa walked towards me and pulled me ot the table. We alls at down and i was waiting. "What's going on." I asked. "Changbin told us what happened sweetie and you don't have to-" I cut her off by standing up. "Who told you that you could tell them." I yelled at Changbin. "Y/n, we're gonna get you justice. We're gonna meet him in court. He won't get away with this-" I cut him off. "No! Changbin No! I don't wanna go in public and have to say that I was almost ra-raped to strangers. That i was se-sexually harassed and assaulted. Do you know how embarrassing that would be. I understand what your trying to do but-" i stopped, as my tears slid down my face. "I don't wa-wanna be reminded of the event that happened that ni-night." I said and ran upstairs.

               I went in my room, slamming the door shut. I cried holding onto to my pillow. All that happened that night was recurring in my mind. "W-why! Why did i go!" I screamed. "Y/n.." I looked towards the door to see my mother. I turned back around not answering her. She sat beside me, shifting the bed slightly. "y/n, i know how you feel, even more." she said softly. I sat up. "How do you know how i feel, how could you say you felt worse when all you have been is a hoe that left us. You never cared about us! So leave me alone!" I yelled, spitting all my anger on her. "I have been raped..." She mumbled but i heard her. "W-what." I stuttered after she said that. "I was still with your father at that time...what was worse of all is that it happened by someone close to me." she said started. "I was raped a my boss." she said, trying to hold back her tears. I felt horrible, all the things i have said to her, things i did. I felt like jerk. "I didn't' tell your father cause i was worried and scared that i would have been thought as disgusting, and unclean." she said, allowing tears to fall. "I couldn't lay by him in the same bed without feeling guilty. So i decide to lie to him and say i was cheating on him, and that-that.. I never loved him, and i had to let him free." she said biting her lip, to stop her from crying harder. "Eomma...I'm sorry.." I cried, hugging her. "That's why i want you to go to court so you don't have to live with the guilt."
She said patting my hair, softly.

           I held her tight. "Sorry eomma, so sorry." I said. "You didn't know you were too little to understand." she said. "Then why did you come back.." i asked her. "... I missed all the moments i could from your lives and i didn't want to miss anymore, i missed yall very dearly. So i told your father and my boss was soon sent to jail... that's when we decided to share custody of you both." She said. "Im sorry eomma for being... an ass." I said. "No big deal, i still love you.." she said and laughed a little. Mom was trying to get up, but i held onto to her. "Just for awhile longer..please" I whispered. My eyes got heavy and i fell asleep, in her arms. 

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