Chapter 6: Pink Eyes?

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TIME SKIP*****************


So you told Changbin about Youngjae. He was angry at first but then he felt bad. It also seemed like we were the only people in our group who didn't know about Youngjae, even Yeri knew. She told you that she didn't tell you because she was trying to be a good friend to Youngjae.


"Ok class today you're being assigned partner." the teacher said and i smiled. "But, i'm, gonna be nice enough to allow you to pick your ten seconds, Go." She added and i stood up quickly. "Y/n, Jackson asked me to be his partner. You ok with it." Yeri asked me. "Yea sure." I said and smiled. She thanked me and walked off towards him. Someone then tapped my shoulder. I turned to see this idiot. "Mind being my partner y/n." Youngjae asked smiling cheekily. "I dont at all Jae." I said and we sat down by each other. "I'm happy i got to you first." He said. "M-me to." I giggled and blushed slightly.

Taehyung POV ***************

I was bout to go up to y/n, but someone beat me to it. Not just anyone... "Youngjae." I gritted my teeth.


END OF CLASS******************

Me and Youngjae walked out of class together and went towards our lockers. "So whose house do you want to go to." he asked me. "Yours.. I always imagined how it would look like." I said. "What else have you imagined." He smirked and i hit his arm playfully. "You have such a dirty ass mind." I said. "Y/n!" I turned around to see my mom walking towards us. "Hello Ms.Seo." youngjae said, once she stood in front of us. "Hello youngjae." she smiled at him. It made me wanna throw up. "YOu remember my name." He asked. "Of course i do, i can't forget my daughters friends name." she said. "What are you doing here." i asked her a bit coldly. Me and my mom haven't gotten closer, but her and Changbin are doing better. I'm kinda surprised to be honest. "It's friday i thought i could pick you up from school." she said. "Mom?" Changbin walked towards with the rest of our friends. "We should get going." I said to Youngjae. "Why?" she asked. "We all have projects." i said. "Ok well make sure you guys get home by 10pm, meaning you mostly y/n." She said and then walked off. "Later guys." me and Youngjae said. I grabbed his hand unknowingly and we started walking out the school. I looked at him and saw a tint of pink on his cheek. "What's wrong." I asked him. "Y-Your holding my hand." He said. I looked down at our hands and moved it away quickly. I then felt the heat hit my cheeks. "Where's your car." I asked. "Don't have one, i got a motorcycle." He said. "Ok cool." I said walking towards it. "I hope you won't get scared." He said and i scoffed. "Me scared, never." I said hoping on.


"YOUNGJAE IM SCARED STOP, YOUR GOING TO FAST HAJIMA." I screamed "Just hold on we're almost there." he said and speeded up some more.


"I'm never riding that thing again." I whined. "You said you weren't scared." He said teasingly. "Shut up.." I pouted. Youngjae opened the door to his house and we stepped in. It was much more simple than i ever thought it would be. "Come on." He said walking towards the hallway. "Where?" I asked about to follow him. "My room." he said. "W-why." I asked. "My laptop, Now your being dirty minded." He said and continued walking, as i followed. We walked into his room. There's was a lot of technology. Computers, laptop, hard drives, whatever you can name. It was like he was a gamer freak... Wrong word gamer nerd. I sat down on his bed as he grabbed his laptop. "So we need to do a model of a Volcano, Grand Canyon, or Mount everest. Which one you wanna do." i asked him. "Everyone wants to an Volcano so lets do something different." he said and i looked at him. "How do you know." I asked. " Mind reading." He said very casually, like it was fucking normal. "S-so you r-read m-m-." He cut me off. "I only read minds when it's useful." he said. "So the Grand Canyon.." I said. "The Grand Canyon."

3rd Person POV

You guys worked on the project, doing the best you can... with the help of Youngjae's power of course. It was amazing to look at powers in motion again, it was really beautiful.

End of 3rd person POV

"Yah! I'm hungry." Youngjae whined pouting a little. "Me too." I said. "Wanna order take out." Youngjae asked me. " Yea what do you want." I asked him. "Hmm, bean noodles, korean meat, kimchi and rice." He said licking his lips. I ordered the food and it came an about 20 minutes. Youngjae got the food and set it on the table. "Come on y/n." He called and i walked over to him. We sat down in the living in front of the table of food. We talked and ate. Youngjae ate some kimchi and the sauce was on the corner of his mouth. I grabbed a napkin and whipped his lips.

YOungjae POV

I was eating my kimchi, when i looked up and saw y/n looking at me. I kinda felt weird. I ate more but as i was chewing i felt something on my lips. I looked up to see y/n whipping my mouth with a napkin. My heart started beating faster. "W-What are you doing." I asked her stuttering. "...You had something on the corner of your lip." she said. "T'-Thank you." I said. "Your eyes are pink again."she said blushing a bit. I shook my head. "WHy does it turn pink." She asked me. "I-i-i dont k-know." I stuttered. I seriously didn't know why my eyes kept turning pick. "Omg Youngjae i gotta get home." Y/n said. "Oh yea shit, let's go then." I said and We stood up

And drove down to her mom's place.

End of Youngjae POV

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