"I'll take her."

Everyone in the room looked up to see Tripp  standing. Ivi's reflexes kicked in and she jumped from the bed, into his arms. She held onto to him, and he her, like their lives depended on it.

"I'm sorry sir, but it's not policy to let someone who's not employed here assist with the patients..."

Tripp cut the doctor off. "Then get my sister in here. She's an employee. I'm not about to let to niggas stand over my girl while she wipe her pu..."

Ivi covered Tripp's mouth, to keep him from embarrassing her anymore than what she'd done herself.

"Uh...we can get Ms. Nakia in here. No problem." The doctor said motioning his head to one of the nurses to go get Nakia. Not to long afterwards, Kia came in. Everyone stepped out of the room for a moment while Kia and Tripp stayed with Ivi.

Dr. Davis came back in to start Ivi's evaluation. Kia and Tripp stayed while question after question was asked over a 20 minute period. The questions were fine when they were pertaining strictly to Ivi and her overall mental and physical state. It was when it took a turn toward...other questions, did things get testy.

"Theron Wright..."

"What about the bastard?" Ivi retorted quickly, angrily.

Dr. Davis tried to tread lightly. "He's been booked on charges of the aggravated rape he did to you all those years ago. He told detectives about everything. How he came to know you from loving with his father..who was dating your mother at the time..the incident. How at first when you told what happened, no one believed you. But when things proverbially hit the fan, his father sent him away to keep your mother from leaving him..."

"That's not why she left him. She left because she didn't want to get the state involved. My mom...that.bitch...was still seeing Theron's dog as pappy, getting drugs from him, even when the state put me foster care. She 'claimed' she was done with him and that Theron would be no where around, but that was all lies!" Ivi ranted, staring to run her hands through her hair.

"Do you need a break, Ivi?" Nakia asked. Tripp was sitting there, rubbing his hands together with anger and anxiousness, but he didn't seem inclined to stop the questions, because there was a big one that had yet to be answered by a vi as of yet.

"..I'm fine." Ivi finally replied after a beat.

"Let's change course for a second." Dr, Davis said flipping a page in his chart. "An Agent Lynn Dawson has been by here, trying to ask you questions."

"I don't have anything to say that conniving skank." Ivi said firmly. "She was trying to use me to ruin Detective Chalmers and Travis' careers."

"Yes, it was brought to our attention the things she was trying to charge Travis Jr and Travis III with. Tampering and falsifying official documents and drug trafficking; respectively." Dr. Davis said.

"Right. All bull. Detective Chalmers didn't do anything to any documents and Travis had nothing to do with any drugs." Ivi replied.

"But wasn't it determined that Travis III company was being used to launder drug money?"

"Yes, but he had nothing to do with that. That was all that bastard Theron's doing..." Dr. Davis cut Ivi off.

"And didn't Detective Chalmers place you in his ex wife's home under the guise that it was an actual group home by using an LLC he and Ms. Adele started years ago? An LLC that was used to help young adults, like yourself, with starting their lives over?" Dr. Davis went on.

"He was trying to help me. Why would anybody want to fault him for that?"

"So you were trying to protect the both of them...when you left. You felt that if you took yourself out of the equation, you'd keep them from getting into trouble."

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