Caring for Your Mate and Calling for Back Up

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Jasper POV
Two day, two days my darling has been unconscious after those bastards hurt her. Carlisle has been watching over her and assured us all that she'll be okay, the most basic explanation is that her body is going through exhaustion. The connection she has to the nature in Forks especially around her home, usually keeps her strong but when it was damaged it created an effect like she had been surging for weeks without food, water, or sleep. Carlisle says her body has almost completely healed itself, but I won't be satisfied until I see those beautiful brown eyes again.
She looks so peaceful

Bageherra has been watching over her when the rest of us have to make appearances at school or work

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Bageherra has been watching over her when the rest of us have to make appearances at school or work.

Thankfully we all still have the telepathic connection with him, so if anything changes he'll let us know

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Thankfully we all still have the telepathic connection with him, so if anything changes he'll let us know. I hate being away from my mate, I trust Bageherra to keep her safe, but Major and I both know that no one will protect her as fiercely as we would. I can't pay attention in class- my soul keeps reaching out for her's hoping to feel some reaction from the bond.
I could feel her stirring almost like her consciousness is coming to the surface. Then I hear Bageherra in my head, "She's awake!"
My head snaps up and I look towards Edward, he smiles and looks at the clock. We only have 10 minutes left in this period- I'll stay for that, but she's awake now. I need to see her, feel her.

Adira POV
Waking up felt like swimming to the surface of a deep pool. My head felt foggy and my body was being weighed down. Opening my eyes, I saw Bageherra first he was snuggled into my side watching me, when he realized I was awake he quickly climbed on top of me and licked my face.
"Don't you ever worry me like that again cub, you had our entire family worried."
It still makes me smile to be reminded that Jasper and the Cullen's are our family now- that it's not just me and Bageherra against the world anymore. Jasper.... oh my baby must have been so worried.
"He's on his way, he has older your side, unless he absolutely needed to and even then he would only leave once someone else was here to watch over you."
That sounds like my man, I heard the front door open and shut quickly and sat up to get out of bed. Of course I have no time to look cute, and suddenly I don't care. Seeing him stroll in with that beautiful smile - to lock eyes and feel our souls intertwine again. I jumped out of bed straight into his arms. I missed the feeling of his arms around me.

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