Sakura's Chance to be Class President

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"Yes... I just have to make a good presentation." Sakura whispered

After the many hours sitting on the same desk listening to adults, the final bell rang. Sakura leaped out of her seat and quickly made her way to the shoes locker. There, she bumped into Akina, Asahi and Rana who were about to leave.

"Oh hey, Saku! Whatcha up to?"

"I have to go home quickly and make a presentation to be class president! Can't talk! See you tomorrow!" with that, Sakura hopped off out the door as she struggled to put her outdoor shoes on.

The other three stared at each other in confusion before shrugging it off. Walking away, a creepy figure lingered behind them before sliding off into the shadows.

At home, Sakura was already in her bedroom working on her homework.

"I thought you were gonna do your presentation? ~purin"

"Yeah, I'll do that later! I have to finish my homework first! Lead by example they say, right?"

"Ah! I see! Okay then! ~purin"

After an hour and a half, Sakura was finished with her assignments. Her mother, Makiko, walked in.

"You want some snacks?"

"Uh.. yeah sure"

Makiko placed a plate of biscuits and a bottle of water beside her. Before walking away, Makiko looked over Sakura's shoulder. Sakura was diligently drawing out pictures for her presentation.

"What's this for?"

"Oh, I volunteered to be class president. We have to prepare a mini presentation for tomorrow!"

"Oh" Makiko paused "Ask your sisters for help? They've volunteered to be class president before"

"Oh yeah, I should but they've never won because they were always beat by their other friend or Akina's sister" Sakura giggled "That just proves their presentations aren't good"

"Don't say that" Makiko laughed "but I guess that's true"

Sakura grabbed the bottle of water and drank it all in one gulp.

"Woah. Drink slowly."

"Heh heh" she scratched her head "whoops"

"Sometimes it's obvious you're a Koki and sometimes it's not"

"It's obvious since my surname is Koki but it's not obvious because unlike the rest of my family, I'm not that good at anything."

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, Sakura, there is definitely something you're good at"

"Probably, but it hasn't been found yet"

"Don't worry about, anyways, I'll leave you alone"

"Okay, bye mom"

Makiko silently closed the doors after her leaving Sakura back at her desk to concentrate.

Night quickly rolled to morning and Sakura was still at her desk but she had fallen asleep. Spring bounced towards her and tapped her head.

"Morning? ~purin"


Rubbing her eyes, Sakura looked at the clock on her desk. It read 7:30. After a quick stretch, Sakura looked down at the pieces of paper scattered all over her desk.

"Oh, that's messy."

She quickly gathered them all and organized them back to where they belonged. Checking the time again, Sakura made her way to the bathroom to get dressed. After an hour, she was on her way to school doing her usual routine. In the classroom, Yuka Santani already was at her seat with her speech written out on a page.

PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora