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Pairing(s): Jimin x You

Tags: Female reader, one-shot

Genre:  🎭/ Crack || 🌸/ Fluff || ??? I dunno man just enjoy it


We all have that one friend we love and hate at the same time.

You know, the crazy one who is just as lovable as they're loose-screwed. You had no idea how and when the hell it happened, or what kind of magic she used on you, but your best friend has became such an important person in your life, despite how your personalities are literally on the opposite of the spectrum from each other.

You treasure her so much that, whenever she insists to swing on a random club to drink and dance the night away, you would willingly tag along her.

Part of the reason comes from your conscience, who keeps feeding you horrible thoughts of what could've happened to your friend if she went alone (which she would, because she's just that stubborn). You're not a clubber and you're definitely not a drinker; you're more of a hot-coffee-good-book-cozy-blanket-and-it's-raining-outside type of girl. But you still tag along your stupid friend anyway, because you love her and you want to watch over her, and most importantly you want to make sure she's having fun safely. The number of times you had to use your pepper spray is unbelievable, but it's better than finding out the next morning that something horrid had befell your friend.

But as much as you love her, sometimes you wish she can just.... stop.

"But bay-beeeee," she drawls her special pet name (it doesn't make sense to you but somehow it grew on you anyway), only slightly tipsy even after her fifth glass, eyes shining brightly as she stares at you with an appreciative grin, "You look bomb and it's such a waste!"

"This is your dress and shoes and you did my makeup," you raise your eyebrows, "So honestly, you're just praising your skill."

"I mean, you contribute to like, thirty percent of the look, so," she chugs another shot and whoops loudly, "Ah, I did soooo well today! I hope you'll get to go home with a man or two~"

"Sweetie, I am here to prevent you going home with a man," you sigh, "Go and have fun. I'll be here watching. Just tell me when you want to go home."

"Oh no no no no, bay-bee," she clicks her tongue dismissively, waving a manicured finger and booping your nose. You squint your eyes with a frown and inches back in rejection. "Tonight, it's all about my best girl!"

"..... Thanks? But also, no thank you."

"Well, we're not going anywhere till you kiss a man tonight, so you better care!"

You call out her name in exasperation and shakes your head, "I am not going to kiss a random stranger."

"You're no fun," she pouts and flicks her fingers to earn the barkeep's attention, which she earns very much easily, being a regular in this premise, "I'd like that thing please!"

He nods and in less than one minute, a colorful glass of drink is sitting in front of you. With a graceful motion, your friend snatches away your glass of sprite with a splash of rum and, before you could even protest, downed the drink in mere seconds.

"You're not human," you comment, massaging your temples, and takes a sip from the drink presented to you before your friend hounds you about it.

Surprisingly, it tastes good.

Not too overwhelmingly sweet, and yet not strong enough for your tongue to be able to detect that bitter alcohol.

"Good?" She winks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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