hideaway. (yg)

508 28 11

Pairing(s): Yoongi x You

Tags: Female reader, BTS as family! AU, High school! AU, short drabble, future series ideas

Genre: 🌸 / Fluff || 🌧 / Angst || ??? I don't know nan molla

A/N: I keep getting story ideas for Yoongi and I have no idea why. Seriously pls stop him from climbing my bias list??? PS. I had fun writing this one~


Yoongi rarely cries.

To his family-- his broken, dysfunctional, precious family-- he was the tough older brother, never taking any shit from anyone, always standing tall as the protective barrier for them. He wouldn't bat an eyelash whenever he was in pain. He wouldn't complain. He wouldn't falter. He had to, because he was the strongest, the coldest, the unbreakable.

Of course he couldn't show his tears.

But there would be times where he just had enough of the whole fucked up arrangement called life and simply had to let it all out.

Alone, of course.

The abandoned classroom turned storage room at the corner of the hallway in the third floor was a perfect place for this. No one ever goes there because most of the students said it was haunted, but Yoongi knew better. He was the one who spread the rumors, after all.

It was a safe space for him. His own haven.

He never owned a bedroom all to himself in his whole eighteen years of life and would always be forced to share it with some of his younger brothers, so the small room was more than enough for him.

Today was one of the days he just had to take a break from.... well, everything.

Tears fell before he could stop himself, and he slammed the door shut before clambering over the rows of desks and chairs, then slipping behind the black curtain hanging over the front side of the class. He had no idea why it was hanging there, but he thanked the setup. This way, even if someone came in, he wouldn't be seen as long as he was quiet. And being quiet was one of his specialties.

With this, he could come by wherever to let his frustrations, insecurities, and pent up anger, out of his system.

Only him.


At peace.

Just like usual.

But today was not an usual day.

He stilled when the door opened and closed softly. Soft footsteps against the wooden floor made him held his breath.

There was a sniffle, and then a full on crying followed suit.

His tears forgotten, Yoongi listened, chewing his bottom lip awkwardly. Shit, he thought. Should he announce his presence? Or should he keep quiet? The latter sounded like the correct answer if this was a test, but Yoongi never really scored well in tests. There was no point in doing well if people were just going to accuse him of cheating in the end.



Awkwardly, he waited until whoever it was interrupting his routine stopped crying. Well, tried to stop crying. Fifteen minutes had passed and the sobs had lessened, but they were still sniveling, soft hiccups caught in their throat every now and then.

It's now or never.

He cleared his throat.

The noises stopped.

"...... H-Hello?" The soft voice trembled, shaky and broken. A girl, he thought to himself and cursed. Girls weren't his forte.

Who can blame him? His goddamn life reeked of testosterones with seven males constantly orbiting around it!

"........... I was here first," he said. Because Yoongi didn't comfort-- oh no, that wasn't his style at all. Comfort was his other brothers' expertise. On the other hand, he was all bark and bite, because most people never understand him. He doubted his family understand him either, but at least they were trying and making an effort.

"O-Oh," the girl spluttered, "I'm-- I'm sorry, I didn't think--"

"I don't blame you. No one goes here," he said with the same monotonous tone. Nevertheless, while he might not be the most caring person on Earth, he wasn't a heartless scum.

The girl's laugh was soft and weak, but still genuine. He found himself reveling in it and trying to picture the face behind the curtain. He failed. He never was as imaginative as a certain someone he knew.



"Are you here for the same reason as me?" She asked.

By reason did she mean to cry?

Yoongi pursed his lips and wiped the drying tears on his cheeks.



W e a k


"Oh," the girl sniffled, her tone edging into disappointment, "So you just... Hang out here?"

"Pretty much," he mumbled, wondering why she was so curious about it and why was she staying around. Wasn't she embarrassed? Why wasn't she freaked out by him? Heck, why was he even talking anymore by this point?

"Not a people person?" The girl's smile reflects on her sentences, "I can understand. It gets too much sometimes."

"Mm. Is that why you're crying?" The question slipped past his lips before he could restrain himself.

There was a tense silence before the room's other occupant answered.

"Maybe. No..... Yes. No. Yes? I guess you could say so."

"..... Well, don't bother to tell me, then. I've got my hands full with my own problems."

She laughed, loud and throughoutly amused. His lips tugged into an involuntary smile. Knowing that he managed to make someone laugh never failed to bring the gesture to his usually scowling face. Most people couldn't seem to appreciate his sense of humor, and as a result, they never laughed.

Those people, in his opinion, were stupid.

"You're an interesting one," she said after her giggling subsides, "..... Are you a student?"


"May I at least know what to call you when I write this encounter in my journal tonight?"

His mind drifted into his own journal, stashed safely inside his run down PC which he managed to build with the youngest's help just last year.

"......... Suga," he answered, remembering the memories that came with the nickname and smiling, "You?"

"[F/N]," she said, "You can call me [F/N]."


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