II | Sightseeing

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The trip was going well so far. We were just getting off the train in Deadlock Gorge; being warned about the gang in the area. I've been dealing with my family for the last three years, a gang is nothing compared to having assassins after you daily.

We decided on getting a hotel somewhere in town, close to everything. It's not often we're this far into Arizona and I want to enjoy it before we go back to our slum. I don't mind our home by any means but sometimes it gets dull.

"I ain't ever seen ya this happy." Jesse hums. "Ya really wanted to go out."

"Indeed." I fix the cuffs of my shirt, making sure everything is laying flat. "It is nice to get away every once in a while."

Jesse just hums, his arm going around my shoulders. I don't mind and in fact, lean into him as we walk. We're taking our sweet time to get to our hotel and I don't mind it at all. Everything looked nice compared to where we were for the past few years. This is relaxing.

"Oh look, a bar." I laugh as Jesse walked towards the building. "I've been wantin' to try somethin' new."

I hold onto his shoulder, "Later. We must get these things to our hotel so we are not tugging bags around."

He sighs in disappointment, but follows me towards the hotel. He can have all the alcohol he wants tonight.

'He can have anything he wants tonight.'


He's four in and he's already loopy. I'm refraining from drinking too much since I have to get his goofy ass home. I was never much of a drinker anyways. Jesse can have his fun and then tonight we sleep in a nice bed.

"Alright buddy, this is ya last one and then I'm cuttin' ya off." The bartender gave Jesse his last one of the night and I decided to pay his tab now and pull him away from the bar so he's not tempted to heckle anyone.

His speech is a bit slurred but I don't mind. He's a fun drunk, always hiccuping and laughing at dumb things. He's a goof, but he's my goof.

"Ay, Han." He leaned into me as we were leaving. "What do I gotta do to get a  handy?"

My face heats up, mostly because he's asking that in public and people are watching us. "We can talk about that after we get back." I lead him around the corner to our hotel. "Not far now."

"Then I can get one?" his lips pressed sloppily to the top of my head.

"Yes, of course." I pull him into the lobby of the hotel.

When we get to our room, I get him to lay down, then get him out of his pants. I'll give him his hand job, maybe a little more, then I'll shower and we can sleep. He can shower in the morning, I'm not going to try to get him to when he's drunk.

"H-Han~." He moans at me, my fingers pressed into the throbbing skin. "Yer touch is that of an angel~."

I chuckle at him, leaning down to flick my tongue over his tip, humming at the bit of salt I taste. "If only you were sober enough." I hum, "My desires will have to wait it seems."

He whines at me, trying to hold on to me while I suck on him lightly. His hips moving up, pushing himself into my mouth more. His soft moans being enough for me to rub myself through my jeans.

"If ya keep that up I'm gonna-" I drag my teeth up him, my eyes flicking up to look at him the best I can. His hands go to my head, gripping my hair tight as he came into my mouth, promptly falling back and passing out moments later.

I chuckle lightly, wiping my drool from my mouth. I stuff him back into his pants before going to shower and relieve myself. If I don't I won't get any sleep and I'll be trying to get him up to ride him in his sleep. I've done it before and I believe he said it was the best way to be woke up. Though he's out cold this time, that would not be wise.

Upon leaving the shower I dry my hair and put on a clean pair of shorts and nothing else. It's a little hot here in Arizona and if i wish to cuddle Jesse, I need to have on as little as possible. 

I leave the bathroom, about to crawl into bed when I discover something important.

Jesse's gone.

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