Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

"Mind link?"

"Yes." The sound of door creaking open hit my ears just as the scent of antiseptic and chemicals filled my nose.

"May I?" The man asked, confusing me. Dominic grunted in a form of approval.

'Luna, Luna can you hear me?' The mans voice asked in my mind.

'Yes...I can hear you.' My voice sounded even weaker, but how is that possible if the voice is only in my head?

'Because you are getting weaker love.' Dom said softly.

"Okay lay her down here." Doctor Rod said before I felt Dominic's muscles twitch as he lowered me down onto the soft but firm mattress beneath me. Once his arms left me, a cold shiver swept up my spin, causing my body to shake while goosebumps spread over my body. A soft whimper came from me once again as his hands left my body feeling empty.

'It's okay Love. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere.' Dominic's said softly as his hand wrapped around mine.

'Good, I'd have to kill you if you did.' I teased. He chuckled dryly.

'Of course, I know you would.' As we spoke through our link I picked up the sounds of others entering the room, hushed whispered of nurses as the noted all the easily visible injuries.

"Okay Luna, we're going to have to undo your bandages and undress you now." A female nurse said cautiously. Next to me I felt Dominic turn slightly rigid before relaxing almost instantly.I nodded, letting them know I understood. As they set to work I turned my head in the direction of Dominic. His reaction had confused me, pushing my thoughts to him I silently asked him what was wrong.

'Nothing, my wolf was just being silly. He was worried about other males seeing you naked until I reassured him that there would be no males other than Rod, seeing you.' A gurgled sound bubbled up in my throat as my body attempted to giggle. Searing pain followed swiftly after causing another whimper to leave me.

'Sorry love.' His voice sounded strained as Dom squeezed my hand gently. I forced a small smile onto my lips and shook my head slightly.

"You're going to feel a small poke, Luna. We are setting up an IV line." The same nurse informs, her soft voice was almost reassuring, giving you the feeling that you were in capable hands. I nodded once more in understanding before feeling a small pinch in the crook of my right elbow.

After checking over every single inch of my body the medical team quickly set to work on cleaning and sterilizing all my wounds. Some of the much larger ones required stitches but would only need to be in for a few days at most, hopefully. At one point I was taken to another room for x-rays to check for broken bones and internal bleeding. After what felt like hours I was left in nothing but one of those thin hospital gowns that only cover your front and they had finally left Dominic and I alone for a short period of time. While the Doctor went to check the x-rays that had been taken of my chest cavity as well as my abdomen.

Dom continued to stay by my side, holding my hand and caressing my cheek while he filled me in on what happened on the mountain. Soon after I had passed out from blood loss, Dominic found me in the arms of the strange man who has saved me and with him was Alpha Zane of the Black Fang. The other Alpha's, along with their hunting parties had finally arrived and quickly the battle with the rouges was over. Many of them were dead while others were captured or escaped before they could be stopped. The man who saved me twice was also a trained healer, though apparently he did not work in a pack hospital. He patched me up well enough for the trip back to the pack-house. He must have been the voice I recognized in the woods.

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