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"Liam, I'm going to throw up," Niall tells Liam in a hoarse voice, hands squeezed together in his lap.

"I know, sweetheart. Hang on," Liam says back, dialing 911 with one hand while driving with the other. Niall chews on his lip so hard his lower lip goes pale. Niall hears him start to talk to the cops, but he can't really focus enough to hear what's being said. He squeezes his hands together tighter, trying to stop his hands from shaking, but he can't stop them. Liam puts his free hand over Niall's, trying to calm him despite the fact that he's still talking on the phone.

"Oh, God," Niall suddenly gasps out, a sob following. "Liam, what if he hurts them –"

"Don't," Liam says quickly, hanging up the phone and running his fingers through Niall's hair. "We can't think like that, sweetheart. The cops are on their way, they'll likely beat us there. Breathe, baby. Deep breaths. Take deep breaths, my love."

"I –" Niall swallows hard. "I h-have to call Devin. I have to talk to him, I have to –"

"Are you sure?" Liam asks, voice low.

Niall doesn't answer, just tries to slow his shaking hands enough to pull up Devin's contact and push the 'call' button. It rings three times, and Niall is chewing his lip until he tastes blood.

"Niall," Devin's voice says, far too smug. "Thought you might call."

"Where the fuck are my kids, Devin?" Somehow all the anxiety has left Niall's voice – all that's left is his rage. "Where the fuck are my babies?"

"No need to have such an attitude," Devin hums. Niall can almost see the expression on his face.

"Let me talk to them," he demands. "Put my kids on the phone."

"I think there should be a please in there, sweetheart."

Niall clenches his jaw, takes a deep breath. "Please."

There's a rustling sound and then Louis' voice, low and frightened. "Uncle Ni?"

"Hi, baby. Hi, my love, baby Lou."

"Wh-Where's Uncle Li?"

Niall fumbles to put his phone on speaker, and Liam says, "Hi there, Louis. I'm right here, are you all right?"

"Cold," Louis answers, and they sniffle, clearly becoming more emotional. "Cold, Uncle Ni, it's cold, and H-Harry is scared...and-and-and –"

"Breathe, Louis," Liam says gently.

"I didn't even get to bring Moana," Louis sobs, and Niall has to bite his tongue to hold back a sob himself.

"We're coming to get you, Louis," Liam tells him firmly. "We're coming to –"

"That's enough," Devin's voice says sharply, and Niall can still hear Louis crying in the background.

"I swear to God, Devin, we will kill you. Hurt our kids, and I will kill you with my bare hands. That's a fucking promise," Liam snarls. He's so angry his hands are shaking.

"Dramatics," Devin sighs, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, Niall, if you want to see your kids so bad, it'll be on my terms."

"What do you want?"

"You, of course," Devin says, laughing as if it were obvious. "I want you."

"No fucking chance," Liam snaps.

"Then say goodbye to your kids. Not that you can really call them that, can you?"

"Devin –"

"Tell me where to meet you," Niall interrupts. Liam snaps his head over to stare at him with wide eyes, but all Niall can think about is how frightened Louis' voice sounded, and his decision is made. "Devin, tell me where to meet you and I'll be there."

"Good choice," Devin responds, sounding pleased. "I'll text you the details."

"I'm not letting you do this," Liam says as soon as Niall hangs up the phone. His knuckles are white he's holding the steering wheel so tightly. "I won't let you."

"You don't let me do anything," Niall says back. "It's my choice, and I've made it."

- - -

There's nothing to be found at the crime scene. The parents of the kids where Louis, Niall, and Harry were staying told the police that a man had broken into their house and taken the kids, threatening them at gunpoint. Liam and Niall told the police all they could, describing Devin in detail and showing them the texts he sent to Niall's phone.

"Don't worry," one of the cops told Niall, "We're gonna do our best to find your kids."

Niall wasn't so sure, though. He knew Devin would never cooperate unless he did what Devin asked, no matter how horrible it inevitably was going to be. He tried not to think about it too much, knowing that becoming anxious over the situation would only make things worse.

"I know this is a stupid question, but are you okay?" Liam asks gently when they finally get into bed. Niall is too jittery to sleep, wants to just plunge out into the night and find their babies himself.

"No," he answers honestly. He sits up in the bed, curls his knees to his chest. "This house feels so...empty. It's so empty without them here, Liam, I can't bear it." His voice breaks, and suddenly he's sobbing, sobbing so hard it hurts his throat.

"Hey," Liam says, pulling Niall into his chest. "I know, baby. I feel it, too. But – hey, angel, look at me – we are going to find them. I promise, Niall – we are going to find our kids and bring them home. We will."

Niall takes a deep breath. He knows Liam is right, solely because neither of them will have a second of peace until their kids are home, safe and sound. "You're right," he murmurs, tears drying on his cheeks.

He's just dozing off when his phone vibrates, and with a low groan, he rolls over to grab it.

Devin (11:27pm): Meet me at Sunset Park tomorrow at noon. If you're lucky, I'll bring one of the kids with.

Nausea bubbles up in his stomach. "Is that him?" Liam asks, voice tired.

"No," Niall lies, deleting the text and putting his phone back down. "Just my mom." The guilt immediately settles in Niall's chest from the lie, but he knows Liam would never let him go if he knew the truth. And Niall will do anything it takes to bring his kids home.

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