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"Hey, good morning, Lou," Niall says gently, shaking the five-year-old awake. Louis lets out a whine but reaches up for him, nuzzling his face into Niall's neck once he gets picked up. "Hi there, sweetheart. Such a little snuggly bug today."

Louis just nuzzles closer, leaving a tiny kiss on Niall's cheek.

"Should we go get some food?"

Surprising Niall, Louis shakes his head and points to the rocking chair in the corner of his room. The two smaller boys are rocked in the rocking chair more often than Lou, but Niall is more than happy to rock him for a bit. He carries Lou over to the chair, settling him in his lap before he gently starts to rock back and forth. The tiny boy sighs, tension in his shoulders loosening, and he sticks his thumb in his mouth.

"You okay, Loubear?"

Louis nods, makes the sign for 'sleepy' with one hand and leans his head against Niall's chest.

"Not feeling like talking again?"

Louis shakes his head, and Niall falls silent, just rocking him gently. Louis' eyes drift shut, but he doesn't go back to sleep. He just lays there, cradled against Niall's chest.

"Hey, Lou, I -- oh, he is up," Liam says in a hushed voice, peering in the doorway. "Hi, cutie."

Louis waves with his free hand.

"He's back to not talking," Niall explains, and Liam nods. 

"You okay, Lou? Is there a reason you're not talking again?" Liam asks, squatting in front of the rocking chair to be at an equal height with Louis. The small boy just shakes his head. "Okay..." He puts a hand out smooth the boy's hair down, and Louis nuzzles into his touch for a second before hiding his face in Niall's chest again. "Well, breakfast is ready whenever you guys want it." He smiles at Lou, gives Niall a small, concerned look, and then leaves the room.

Niall rocks Louis for about ten more minutes, humming in his ear before Louis makes the sign for 'hungry.'

"Okay, snuggle bug, let's go get some food in that tummy," Niall smiles, scooping Louis up. The five-year-old nuzzles his face into Niall's neck, clearly his favorite place to hide. 

"Louiiiiiiis!" Harry squeals, his face covered nearly completely in applesauce. Louis waves at Harry with one hand, still clinging to Niall's shoulder. Niall tries to sit him down in his chair, but Louis just whines until Niall lets him sit in his lap.

"Uncle Ni," Zayn calls, banging his plastic kiddie spoon on the table. "Want pudding."

"Not for breakfast, sweetheart," Liam answers, attempting to wipe down Harry's face with a napkin.

Zayn pouts. "Can I have more applesauce?"

"Sure," Niall nods. He starts to get up to get it for him, but Louis just lets out a loud whine and clings to him. Niall has no choice but to take him with, and he gets another squeeze pouch of applesauce out of the fridge for Zayn. The three-year-old squeals with delight and stuffs the pouch in his mouth.

"We need to go grocery shopping," Liam tells Niall as he sits down to eat.

"What do we need?"

Liam pauses mid-bite, thinking. "Milk, eggs, butter, those cookies Harry likes, bananas, strawberries..."

"Pop-Tarts!" Zayn shouts. Louis nods emphatically.

Liam shrugs. "Pop-Tarts, carrots...There's more, I can't think of them all."

"We should make a list," Niall suggests. "I'll go and you can stay here with the kids." Louis lets out a loud whine, clearly disagreeing with this idea. "You're clingy today, huh? I suppose you can come with me."

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