Silas was losing his temper. "Mira, I don't get why you're so damn upset. So what if they see the damn mark. You already know that you're mine. Now the whole demon community can know so they don't try something stupid and get themselves killed...The mark will go away in a few days if you're so damn upset about it." Silas walks out of the bathroom pissed. He picks up his clothes and portals back to his place.

Mira sighs. What the hell she thought.

She turns to look at herself in the mirror and trails her fingers over the mark. She bites her lip. She knew she made it a bigger deal than needed. She felt bad for getting mad at him. Now that she thought about it, she didn't mind having the mark to show everyone that she was his. She knew that she's going to have to go to his place and apologize.

She puts on a black romper and leaves her room to go downstairs. She goes into the breakfast room and sees her father sitting, eating his breakfast. Fuck she thought. She didn't mind others seeing her mark but she wasn't ready for her father to see it so she moves her hair to the side to cover it up.

"Hello, Mira."

"Hello, father." She sits in the seat across from her father.

He looks up at her and narrows his eye.

Shit, he knows.

"You rarely leave your hair down. You always have it in a ponytail or bun. I like it down like that, it's nice."

"Oh yeah, I decided to do something different." Mira gives a nervous laugh. She thought he probably didn't know then.

Her breakfast comes out and she starts eating.

"So what did you think of the ball, Mira? Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, I did actually. I mingled with the other demons as you asked." She smiled and her father smiled back.


Mira picks up her juice and starts drinking it.

"I heard Silas slept over."

Mira choked on her drink and starts coughing. "What?!"

Her father laughs. "Mira I am not stupid, I saw him follow you after you left the ball. I heard the maids gossiping too." Her father raised his eyebrow.

"Oh my gosh." Mira covered her face embarrassed. Damn you, Jasmin she thought.

"I can also smell him on you, and as I said, I'm not dumb, I know why your hair is down and on the side like that. You're trying to cover his mark."

Mira bites her lip and starts playing with her hair and whispers "yeah."

"Why do you look upset about it? Did you not want him to?"

"Okay, dad. Let's just change the subject."

"Mira, I'm just making sure you're okay with him marking you, that's all. Are you?"

Mira didn't answer for a second but then said: "Yes, I wanted him too."

"Okay, good or else I would have had to kill him."

Mira laughs while getting up and says "Yup and then I'd be going down with him" then leaves the room, hearing her father laughing.

She goes back into her room and decides she'll leave to go talk to Silas later that night.


Mira gets to Silas front door and knocks. A few seconds later Silas opens the door in just his grey joggers.

"Hey," Mira said trying hard not to drool over his abs.

He stares at her for a second, then gets out the way for her to walk in. She walks in and then he closes the door and leans on it crossing his arms over his chest. "Did you need something?"

"I wanted to talk."


She sighs, "I'm sorry, Si. I overreacted about the mark. I don't know why I flipped."

"I do." He pushes himself off the door and walks toward her. "It's cause you're scared to admit that you're into me and that you wanted me to mark you. There was this energy that was coming off of you as if asking me to mark you, that's why I did it. You just don't know how to admit that you've fallen for me."

Mira just stared at him. She knew he was right. She hasn't admitted about falling for him. She doesn't even know when she fell for him. What is she even thinking, she fell for him the moment she saw him in her dream world. "I-." Mira looks away not knowing what to say.

He lifts her chin to make her look at him. "Tell me." He says while rubbing his thumb on her jawline.

Mira felt vulnerable at that moment. She's never truly admitted this out loud before and she was scared too.

He lowers his face and gives her a soft kiss. "Tell me, Mira."

Mira opens her mouth to speak and whispers "I'm in love with you."

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