Chapter 8

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"We're having a ball tonight," Hades said to Mira.


"Every 50 years or so, I host a ball at the castle. It's something fun, that's all and this will also give you a chance to meet the demon community."

"They already know me though."

"Yes, but this will be a celebration of you being here."

"Man, that means I have to dress up and I have to actually talk to them."

Hade laughs "Tell Silas to be your date, so you're not talking to them alone."

"I don't want him as my date! And when did you get cozy with him?"

"I've gotten used to him. He's not so bad."

Mira rolls her eyes.

It's been a week since their argument and she wants to avoid him as much as possible. Not because she's scared, but the fact that she liked what had happened. Never knew she'd like his hand around her throat so much. Mira starts blushing, so she leaves her father's office before he notices.

Mira goes up to her room and starts drawing while thinking about what she wanted to wear to the ball. "Jasmin!"


"What should I wear tonight for the ball? I'm thinking something black."

Jasmin calls in other maids to hold up black gowns for Mira to choose from.

"Hmmm," Mira thought. "They're all so gorgeous but this one is my favorite." It was an off the shoulder, long sleeves, black lace, ball gown.

"Excellent choice, Milady." All the other maids scurry out the room with the other gowns. "I will hang this one up in your closet until it is time to prepare you for the ball. Will Silas be your date for tonight, Milady?"

"Ugh, why is everyone wanting him to be my date."

Jasmin giggles. "I think you two are perfect together but there are plenty of other men who would love to be your date, Milady. What about the Stephan guy?"

"Yeah, I doubt that. He probably won't even show up to the ball."

"and why is that, Milady?"

Mira sighs "because Silas is crazy that's why."


The ball was approaching, so Mira started getting ready. Many maids came into her room to help prepare her for the ball. They put her hair into a high bun and did her makeup. After that, Mira puts on her ball gown and her high heels.

"Oh my goodness! Milady, you look beautiful!" Jasmin squealed. All the other maids were agreeing. "Everyone eyes will definitely be on you!"

Mira blushes "thank you." She was nervous about the ball. She rarely ever saw other demons since she didn't go out into town much unless it was at the tavern, but it was rare for her to go there and she didn't talk to the demons in the tavern. She was also nervous to see Silas again.

"Milady, it's time to go to the ballroom."

Jasmin escorts Mira to the doors that would lead to the ballroom. There, her father was waiting for her.

"Mira, you look beautiful," her father says.

"Thanks, dad."

"You'll have all these damn demons wanting you. Do you seriously want me to kill them all that bad?"

They both laugh.

"Are you ready?" her father asked.

"No, I'm nervous."

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