I'm going to call him shouldie- I feel like it's going to be around for a while ;))).

Unfortunately, when 'shouldie' did this- the alien gun had fallen out of my grip and had slipped about 10 cm away from my hand...


It hissed now right next to my ear- I could see its fangs showing from the corner of my eyes.

I grabbed my other gun- I could only just reach it...

I shot it the best I could.

A loud bang echoed throughout this big temple. As for the xenomorph- shouldie- it was shot in the arm. It ran off once again screaming in pain.

I grabbed the alien gun again and readied it as I now looked for spider and that monster.

Then I noticed an unconscious spider sitting beside a pillar with two scratches on his face.

Where did that other alien go??

I glanced around the room in actual fear... dread was filling my stomach as I couldn't find it. Yet I somehow knew it was there...

I ran over to spider to see if he was alive. I put the alien gun into my pocket...

Placing my hands on the side of his throat, I felt a small pulse. It was hard to find at first... but I found it.

I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding in and walked over to minute.

He was laying on the ground, not moving.

I did the same as I did to spider, placed my fingers on his neck and looked for a pulse.






He was alive! Thank god! They were both alive!!

I let out a small shallow shakey sigh as I got up.

But the happy moment didnt last for long.. I soon heard a metal clang behind me. At first,I didnt notice it since it was far off-ish

But as it got closer I realised what it was. They were footsteps.

I instantly got up and ran to a pillar which hid me from the direction of the noise.

I had both spider and minute in my full vision...

Then it walked in not noticing me...

It was the thing that spider was fighting!

I noticed it had an xenomorph head on its shoulder..  did it kill one?

It walked over to spider now facing its back towards me... what was it doing?

My heart pretty much stopped when I saw it raise its hand which had two claws in it up.. it was going to kill spider..

No! Not another person dead!

I ran to it and kicked it with all of my strength in the back of its knees.. causing it to fall backwards but remain standing up.

A rawr ripped through the air...

The one I heard when I first met shouldie... OH NO-

it got its stance back in record timing and turned to see me.

I shuttered at his glare- or at least I thought it was a guy... it looked like a guy

I took  a few steps back as I looked on in fear as it looked at me with pure rage

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I took  a few steps back as I looked on in fear as it looked at me with pure rage...

Oh no-

Was all I thought of before dashing off. I could hear thumps as the creature took off after me..

I ran down a log hallway, leading the creature away from minute and spider.

But what started to worry me was the fact I was huffing and puffing like a mad man! Oh and also that the creature was catching up.

I took a left, into another room. At that point, I couldnt force myself to run anymore. Legs felt heavy.. I hit behind one of the many tall statues in this room. They were sculpted like him..

Then it dashed through the opening... I covered my mouth and pretty much halted my breathing as I watched it..

It huffed at first, then it proceeded to take a look around.. that was until it looked at the statue I was hidden behind.

At that point I knee it could see me with some sort of different vision or somrthing.. I had to bolt once again.

But I thought about it...

Fight or run for my life?

Well seeming running didnt wor-

A blast sent the statue towering over me to peices..

I looked up to see the creature had used its claws to cut right through the statue... just above my head.

It looked down at me..

We made eye contact..


I was filled with fear.. I cant fight this thing!! What was I thinking???

I made a run for it again but this time it was ready.. it grabbrd my collar.

I sqwirmed in its deathly grip as it held me up in the air... face to face...

I stopped moving when I heard a small grunt.. then the sound of its claws coming out... its wrist blades.

I struggled more, using my legs to kick on its hard core stomach.

"Let me go!!!" I screamed as i bashed my legs and fists against him. He didnt even seem hurt at all-


His grip lsowd at the sound, I stopped moving.. I feel a cold breeze cover me now..

I came back to it when I was dripped back on my feet... I ran away to another statue...

I couldnt run anymore, my body ached...

I looked around the statue and watched what was about to happen.

An xenomoph, not shouldie, came crashing down on the other creature. Loud rawrs between the two erupted into the air. Shreding my ears.

The xeno had pined down the creature amd was about to strike it with its tail..

I had to do something...

The gun!

I was somehow certain rhis creature... this creature was the one that rawred when I shot this gun.. was it his?

The enemey of my enemey is my friend.

I reached for it and started to pull it out of my pocket...

It was getting ready to strike! The creature couldnt do anything ..

Stress overwhleemed me as I tried to bring my gun out...

I dropped it on the floor, making a loud echo sound...
I had to do something and i had to do it now.

I grabbed the gun from the floor and dashed out...

I was about to put the gun up and shoot the xeno yet it wasnt there? Only a creature on the floor starting to ragain its poster sat in my view.


The xenomroph came crashing down onto me from the side.



I droped the alien gun in the direction of the creature.

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