Chapter 11

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Hey y'all, last chapter! Hope you enjoy!

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As she walked in, the doors closed behind her. Walking further in, the machine began to give off a blue glow, and the floor began to move below her feet.

She could feel the electricity already coursing through her veins, but as she went deeper into the machine, it felt stronger. Pain soon racked her body as the electricity got stronger and stronger inside of her.

The doors soon reopened, releasing Leprii from the machine.

"How do you feel Leprii?" Magneto asked.

"Amazing," she replied, sparking her hands with lightning that was now bright blue.

“You shall now be known not as Leprii Kolete, but as Phantom,” Magneto instructed. Leprii nodded.

She walked back over to her team, them and the two brothers staring at her in amazement.

    “Boys,” Magneto said, turning to Alex and Scott. “It’s time to reach your full potential.” As both boys walked to the hatch, the X-Men in the chambers woke up. “And now, for an appreciative audience.”

    Protests came from the chambers, and Scott turned around. Before he could get out of it, the door slammed shut.

    “It’s too late Charles. He’s mine now.” The doors reopened, and Scott and Alex walked back out. Each of them looked decades older. Magneto approached the two, and Leprii watched as Scott took off his glasses. Instead of blasting a hole through the asteroid, nothing happened.

    “Woah,” she breathed. They all watched as Magneto continued to explain to the boys their new powers, but Leprii felt something approaching. It was an aircraft! “We have an aircraft approaching,” she warned, stepping forward.

    “Really? Let’s see who it is.” He reached his hand up, and a part of the ceiling retracted. “No metal!” Magneto looked at the Professor, who shrugged. “Boys, defend us!” Alex and Scott did as he said, and walked out of the room.

    “What are we gonna do?” Leprii asked Magneto.

    The sound of screeching metal filled the air as the aircraft crashed into the room. Rocks fell from the ceiling, trapping Scott and Alex under them. Kitty and Evan phased out of the plane, and Kurt teleported out. A top hatch flew off, and Toad, Wolverine, and Mystique came out.

    “Someone didn’t like losing,” Leprii muttered as they all took a defensive stance.

    “Mystique, you never could take ‘no’ for an answer,” Magneto taunted as she kicked him square in the chest. As they continued to fight, Magneto caused two metal pieces to attack Mystique. Before they hit her, Toad grabbed them. Leprii ran after Toad.

    “Someone’s a sore loser,” she said to him as she hit him with lightning.

    “I deserved to be here with y’all too!” he yelled back as he tried to go help Wolverine battle Sabertooth.

    “You lost to not one, but two X-Men!” She retorted. He spat slime onto her face, and hopped away to help Wolverine. Leprii got the goo off and joined Avalanche and Blob, who were becoming conscious again after being knocked out. The entire structure was shaking violently.

    “Enough with the tremors man!” Blob shouted.

    “That aint me! This rock’s cracking up!” Lance yelled. Rocks fell from the ceiling and the group tried to stay on their feet.

    “No let’s make like a toad and hop to it,” Toad said as he hopped over to them.

    “Whose side are you on Tolansky?” Leprii threatened.

    “The side that lives! Come on!”

    They all ran to a blocked off hallway that Storm was trying to break. While the rest of them stopped, Blob ran through the blockage.

    “Coming through!” he yelled. The mutants ran down the hallway and onto the X-Jet, following Kitty and Evan, who was carrying Pietro over his shoulder. Storm, Rogue, and Kurt were next. Kurt climbed into the co-pilot’s seat, and started to press buttons. Jean soon joined them, followed by the Professor and Wolverine. Wolverine went to the pilot’s seat and started the plane.

    “What’s taking so long? I wanna get outta here in one piece,” Leprii muttered as she buckled the seatbelt, earning a few snickers from her fellow teammates, and glares from the X-Men that heard her.

    Suddenly, the plane lurched to the side and Leprii’s seat belt cut into her chest. The plane started to plummet straight to the ground, and the Brotherhood boys held onto Leprii’s seat for dear life. At the last second, the plane leveled off, making the boys fall onto the floor. The plane stayed in the same spot, hovering as Jean got out of her seat and went back to the hatch.

    Rocks began falling from the asteroid above them, and the plane shook violently. The right wing got hit by a rock, causing the plane to tip again and crash onto the ground.

    “Is everyone okay?” the Professor asked. Assorted grumbles and moans answered his question.

    “Not for long. Look!” Todd shouted, prompting everyone to look out the windows. The asteroid was losing altitude fast, and it was falling right atop of them!

    Suddenly two blasts started to break the rock in half. Leprii realized that it was Scott and his brother. Time seemed to stop as she watched in fear.

Even though it only took the two brothers a few seconds to break through the asteroid, it felt like a lifetime to Leprii. The asteroid blew apart in two separate directions, and both brothers fell to their knees, returning to their normal states.

Both groups of mutants left the plane to greet the two brothers. Ash fell from the dark sky and all over the teens. Scott looked up from the ground and at the group, wearing his usual red sunglasses again.

“I’m sorry, all of you,” Scott hung his head as he addressed the groups. “Professor, I just… you know… I-I made some bad choices.” The Professor wheeled over to Scott, Jean, and Alex.

“More like misinformed choices. But we owe you our lives. Both you and your brother.” The smaller group continued talking , but at a quieter volume.

“Huh. Wonder what’s gonna happen to us,” Toad wondered.

“Two metal spheres shot out of that asteroid before it blew,” Lance said. “Mystique is out there, believe it. And she’ll be back.”

“And Magneto?” Leprii asked, looking at the now empty sky.

“Unless Sabretooth got to the other sphere first, but I doubt that,” Pietro answered her question. “He’s probably out there too.”

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I honestly thought I had another chapter left in this, but guess not😂

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book!

Like, comment, vote, do whatever!

See ya next time!

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