Chapter 7

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Leprii sat in the middle of her bed, focusing on her powers. Ever since her powers had gone haywire at the school, she had been trying to get a better grip on them. At one point, she accidentally killed all of the power in the house for two days, and learned that she could produce lightning after Todd tried to flirt with her again.

Needless to say, Todd has left her alone after that.

    Leprii stopped her practicing after she heard banging and shouts from downstairs. She got up from her bed and silently walked down the stairs. She peeked out from the staircase and saw the boys running around, all in uniform.

    “What’s going on?” she yelled, and the boys stopped dead in their tracks.

    “Uhh… Leprii. I forgot you were here,” Pietro stuttered. Leprii rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

    “Well, you’re obviously going somewhere. So where are you going?” she asked them.

    “Magneto- ow!” Toad started before Lance elbowed him in the ribs.

    “You’re staying here,” Lance interrupted, pointing at her. “C’mon,” he said to the rest of the group, leaving her alone. She watched as they hopped into Lance’s Jeep and pulled out of the driveway, then she ran up to her room to put on her own uniform.

    She had no idea where it came from, but it was in the duffel Mystique gave to her. The whole outfit was a mix of maroon, gray and black, with varying shades of each. Light maroon leggings with black cargo pockets, a maroon and gray crop top that had white-maroon straps. The sleeves were black with more maroon. She quickly put it on and ran out of the house, following the Jeep to a construction site.

    Leprii hid behind a bulldozer as she saw Kurt teleport into the middle of the site. She then noticed a hooded figure approach him. The figure eventually pulled their hood down, revealing themselves to be Mystique. Leprii was confused, but suddenly saw the Brotherhood form a circle around them. As they started to attack Kurt, he teleported and shouted something to Mystique. While he was distracted, Toad rammed into him from a crane, knocking him both off of the structure he was on, and unconscious.

    She ran out from her hiding place, and over to where the boys were standing over Kurt.

    “What did you guys do? He wasn’t hurting anything!” she shouted at them.

    “Leprii,” Toad started, “I… ah… I thought you were supposed to stay at the house.”

    “Did you expect me to stay? You all rushed out for something important!”

    “Quit fighting, we got trouble!” Lance interrupted as he pointed to the X-Men from across the site. He quickly turned to Leprii. “Get back to the house or stay here and help, we don’t need you roaming around here.” He turned back as the two teams started to fight.
Leprii followed them as she too attacked the X-Men.

    As the others were busy fighting off the other X-Men, Leprii noticed Jean and Kitty trying to get Kurt back. Even though she didn’t know what Kurt did, she knew that the others wouldn’t want her to let them take him.

She shot lightning from her fingers and the two girls stepped back, Jean dropping Kurt from her telekinesis in the process. She heard someone running up from behind her and sidestepped as Rouge attempted to knock her down.

“Leave Kurt alone!” She shouted at Leprii. Rouge got up and tried to touch Leprii’s face with her bare hands, but Leprii grabbed her wrists, which were still covered. Rouge continued to try and touch her face, but still couldn’t.

Suddenly, Leprii felt herself lifting from the ground, and in the chaos, let go of Rogue's arms. The girl put her hand on Leprii’s exposed midriff, knocking her unconscious.

* * * * * *

I'm telling you guys, these chapters seemed SOO much longer on my Google doc😂

Whatever, I think they'll be getting longer soon.

Hope you enjoyed!

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