Chapter 10

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Leprii felt the sphere come to a stop, and was momentarily blinded by a bright light. She climbed out and saw the rest of the Brotherhood, minus Toad, getting out of their own respective sphere. They all walked down a hallway that opened into a large room. Magneto was having a conversation with the X-Men’s Professor. Leprii and the boys caught what she assumed to be the tail-end.

    “A certain amount of persuasion may still be needed, I’ll admit,” Magneto started, walking towards the Professor. “But for every unbeliever,” he pointed to a set of doors that opened,“there is a new convert.”  Two boys walked in, one of whom was Scott. The Professor had a look of horror on his face as he realized what Scott had done.

    “Scott, no,” he gasped. The Professor turned his wheelchair away from the group, and thought for a moment. “Scott, I… I don’t understand,” he finally said.

    “Professor, wait,” Scott broke in. “We’re just here to listen, that’s all.” He walked closer the the Professor. Leprii watched as the Professor motioned to the glass chambers, which Leprii just noticed. There were three of them, each holding a member of the X-Men.

    Scott gasped. “Hey! What is this?” He turned towards Magneto.

    “Simply a precaution Scott,” Magneto assured, walking closer to him. “Not everyone has the maturity to accept the need for change as you do, not yet.”

    “Let them out.” Scott commanded as he walked even closer to Magneto. He reached for his glasses and Leprii stepped in front of Magneto, sparks emitting from her hands. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and Magneto moved her out of his way.

    He whispered into her ear, “Make sure no planes or anything comes close to here. I don’t want the losers ruining anything.” She nodded.

“I will. We just need to proceed cautiously. Trust me. They are perfectly safe,” he assured Scott. The pair were standing in front of the chambers, and Scott locked eyes with the Professor. Magneto suddenly threw his hand out, and the wheelchair went back onto a platform. Glass came down, and soon the chamber was filled with a gas.

    “What was that all about?” Leprii muttered to Lance.

    “He was probably using his mind control to change Scott’s mind,” he muttered back.

    Scott reached for his glasses once again, but was stopped by the other boy. He looked like he was trying to calm Scott down, but Leprii was distracted by Pietro.

    “So, how do ya think Toad and Mystique took their defeats?” he asked the group.

    “How do you know Mystique lost?” Leprii queried.

    “She’s obviously not here. She lost against Storm,” he answered, pointing at the third chamber.

    “I can’t believe that Toad lost not to one X-Man, but two!” Lance sneered. They all snickered at his comment. Their laughter was short-lived, as Magneto walked in, followed by Scott and the other boy.

    “I built it right into the asteroid,” he explained.

    “Built what?” Blob wondered aloud.

    “Behold: The next step in mutant evolution!” Magneto gestured to a metal hatch built into the wall.

    “What is it?” Scott asked,

    “A genetic enhancer,” Magneto explained. Leprii gulped at the words ‘genetic enhancer’. She heard them before, but not in a good way.

    “Perhaps you’ve heard of the legendary Gems of Cyttorak?” he continued, holding up a pinkish gem. “Well, they do exist. Once believed to possess mystical properties, these stones actually emit a very… distinctive radiation,” he explained further, putting emphasis on the word ‘distinctive’.

    The boy started freaking out at the word ‘radiation’. “Hey hey, wait a minute. You mean you're gonna nuke us?” he accused Magneto, pointing his finger at him.

    “I’m going to evolve you, to finish your growth.” Magneto continued to assure the boys. “No more pain Alex,” he said to the boy, Alex. “And no more hiding behind that visor, Scott. Your powers will be fully realized, giving you complete control!”

    “What about them?” Scott asked, looking at the X-men in the glass chambers. “I want them released.”

    “They will be, but only after you’ve gone through the transformation. I want them to see what I’m offering.” Magneto used his powers to open the hatch. “And it is an offer, Scott. I won’t force you to go through it.”

    “We’re supposed to just trust this thing works? You go through it then.”

    “I have. I’m fully advanced. But why don’t I provide you with a real first hand demonstration?” He turned to a man standing next to the machine. "Leprii," Magneto called, catching the mutant off guard. He motioned for her to go into the machine, and she complied.

* * * * * *

Low-key don't know why I keep updating this story cause no ones been reading the last three chapters, but like?? Why not, it's almost done.

Hope you guys liked it!

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