The internet told me...

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~~Lin POV~~

The muffled sound of the music came through the closed door as I walked up and down in the small room. It was Groff's birthday and we threw a big, yet homely surprise party for him.

I was nervous. Like, really nervous. I was the only one who hasn't given him his present yet and I honestly didn't know what his reaction would be. I've bought him a hoodie. It has a little King George III on it with dozens of quotes from him. Actually, I was confident in this one but it wasn't my main gift...

I have been receiving these tweets, emails and random messages for months now. They all said the same. They literally begged me to give him a kiss. A real kiss.

At first, I thought it was some kind of a bad joke but they kept sending those texts. Eventually, I started to think about it. It seemed funny enough for me to do it so I decided I would give it a go. God, I couldn't wait to see his face, I was sure it would be priceless.

I glanced at the door then I looked at Anthony who stood beside me with his phone ready in his hands. I've told him and Daveed my plan so they could help me. He noticed how nervous I was and flashed me a reassuring smile.

"Chill man! This will be great " he tried to calm me down.

"I know... I think..."

I don't even know why I was nervous. I've done so many on scene kisses so this wasn't new for me. I've never done it with a guy though but how different can that be? I've never been uncomfortable with being close to guys. I mean half of the fans think that I am bi. And that's okay. I don't think I am, but if that's what makes them happy then they can think whatever they want.

The door opened and Daveed and Jonathan stepped inside the room. Huhhh... Okay... It's showtime.

"Hey Groffsauce! " I greeted him. 

"Hi " he said. There was a kind of eagerness in his eyes. It was his birthday after all.

"Soooo..." I started  "First of all happy birthday to my one and only Groffsauce!"

"Thank you, Lin " he said, his eyes literally glowing from excitement.

"I've actually got you two gifts."

I hesitated for a moment, not sure if I should give him his real present first or I should just attack him with the kiss.

"Well, I don't know... I... So..."

"Come on... " Anthony and Daveed groaned in unison "Just give him the box next to you" they said with a knowing half-smile.

"Oh... Right, sorry... " I reached for the nicely wrapped box on the counter "So this might seem dumb, but I really thought this was a marvelous idea" I stated as I handed him the red and gold package.

He sat down on the couch behind him. He carefully removed the ribbon and the wrapping paper while I tried to hide my shaking hands in my pockets. He glanced at me for the last time and finally opened the gift. He let out a big gasp as he held up the hoodie.

"Oh. My. God~. Lin this is awesome... God, I don't know if I should wear it 24/7 or I shouldn't wear it at all to protect it from any damage. Thank you, Lin, you are the best " he almost cried. He put down his present, stood up and tried to hug me but I stopped him.

"As I said I have another gift for you " I said as I glanced at the guys.

Anthony held up his phone and signaled okay. I looked back at Jonathan and took a deep breath. 

"The internet told me to give you this for your birthday" I said but the last words were barely understandable because the pace of my talking got faster and faster.

The internet told me... GroffLin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now