Part 7

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Quick AN: Now thanks to that one person (I don't know if it would be okay to tag so I played safe) who asked for a sex scene, here it is. I probably enjoyed writing it more than I should admit but that doesn't mean it is good or not cringe...

I marked where I got more 18+ and graphic and also the end of that part too. But this chapter is basically just one making out (and more) session so...  Don't expect too much plot hehe^^'

I supported myself by the wall, still panting from our little run. Lin closed the door behind him and I followed with my eyes as he took his jacket off. I could see sparkly raindrops in his dripping wet hair.

'Ugh... Where did that storm come from?!' He frowned but his annoyed grimace quickly turned into a laugh. He mindlessly swept a lock of hair behind his ear.

I didn't answer. Yes, it was a rhetorical question but I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth even if I wanted to. I just stood there hoping that my staring wasn't creepy. I didn't even hope that I was not obvious. I knew I was. Horribly obvious. But can you blame me? With a sight like that, it would have been a waste not to look.

'Groffsauce?' He walked closer to me. 'Are you okay?'

I couldn't help but smile. 'I...' I started stepping even closer.' I just love you.' I told him, first touching our foreheads then slowly uniting our lips.

His hand easily found its way onto my waist, pulling me closer. Only it was a bad idea because I didn't take off my hoodie yet and it was soaking wet.

He broke our kiss with a very sophisticated 'Oh shit!' and took a step back, hands still resting on my hips thankfully. 'You will catch a cold like this!' He said, raising a hand to touch my face. 'You are freezing!'

'You should warm me up then...' I mumbled, already feeling my face heat up a bit.

'What-What do you mean?' he asked, his face slowly becoming red too.

I didn't know where did this sudden burst of confidence and well, arousal came from. Normally, I don't initiate these kinds of things. Dropping hints that I have needs too, yes, but never actually making the first step. However, now I just couldn't bring myself to do that and wait whether it works... I decided to let go of my worries for now. Lin's concern was so honest and couldn't help but love him for that. And for everything else.

'This.' I said simply and before he could reply I pushed him backwards, to the wall. I leaned on his lips as I grabbed his left wrist and pinned it next to his head. With my other hand, I held his right arm.

Despite the surprised whimper that escaped his lips, Lin kissed back right away. I smiled in the kiss a bit before sliding my tongue in his mouth. He followed along. He also wanted to move his hand but I held it in place.

His other hand was free just enough for him to reach the bottom of my hoodie. He gave it a few tugs on it upwards and I got the message. Also, I was surely cold as he said earlier even if I didn't really pay attention to it. I slid my knee between his legs to keep him in his place and pulled back from him a little.

Needless to say, the look on his face was priceless. Cheeks in a deeper shade of red than my King costume, lips swollen just enough for me to notice it from up close as he panted a bit. His eyes became even darker if that was possible. My stomach did everything to tie itself in a knot but I tried my best to ignore it.

I pulled my hoodie off and threw it towards the hanger. The soft thump told me that it didn't stay on it. Not that I cared; I was already kissing Lin again. I searched for his hands with mines. When I found them, I intertwined our fingers and raised them over our heads.

The internet told me... GroffLin fanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant