Part 9

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~~~Lin's POV~~~

Despite how much I wanted to believe my family and hope that we will be okay with Jonathan, I was getting doubtful. The next day, he called sick which would be relatively fine with any other cast member but not him. He never misses a show.

I tried calling him but as expected, he didn't answer. I had no other choice but to push forward since the show must go on. It took me all my concentration to keep at least my mind on the role, as my heart was somewhere else.

Listening to Pippa as she sang Burn hurt more than ever...

The cast noticed. They didn't want or dare to ask about it but I could sense they noticed something was wrong. I could feel their looks on my back. They didn't even ask me if I know something about Jonathan... It was that obvious that something happened between us.

I tried to do the stage door but... It just wasn't working for me. Feeling those immensely positive energies was still one of the best things in the world. For a few moments, I could actually forget how fucked up my love life has become. But I wasn't really feeling worthy of all that love now... It took one mention of Jonathan's name and I went back inside. Not right after but shortly after so it wasn't that obvious.

I called him again when I got back to my dressing room. No answer. I leaned forward, my hands on the table as I hung my head down. I looked up, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

With one crazy idea, I pushed myself back from the table and quickly left the room. I dialled Jonathan's number again as I hurried down on the streets of New York.

After the beeping sound of the voicemail, I spoke up. 'Hi, Groffsauce! It's me again. I know you probably don't want to see me. Honestly, you kinda made it clear tonight. However, I can't stand this situation and I want to solve it as soon as possible. So I'm heading over to your place now. See you soon.'

I sank my phone into my pocket as I continued to push through the people on the streets. I heard my name once but I didn't turn or stop. I didn't need any fans at the time. Or anyone else. I only needed to keep moving.

I reached Jonathan's apartment and a kind old man let me inside the building. He recognised me as Jonathan's friend... I ran up the stairs and stopped before the door.

I let a chuckle escape my lips. It's funny... This is exactly how our relationship started. I mean our not just friendship relationship. Me knocking on his door, uninvited and sure of that he doesn't want to see me.

Finally, I knocked. There was silence on the other side of the door so I knocked again, this time louder.

I was about to knock again when I heard something. I waited and after a minute or less, the lock turned with a click and the door opened.

A baggy-eyed Jonathan appeared behind the half-opened door. 'Hey...' He said with a weak voice.

'Hi.' I managed. 'Did you get my messages?'

He gave me a small nod. 'But you didn't have to...'

I interrupted. 'But do have to.' I sent him a smile. 'And I want to.'

He didn't respond, just staring at his hand, still on the handle.

I leaned forward a bit, lowering my body as I tried to meet his eyes. 'Can I come in? To talk.'

He still remained silent but stepped back, opening the door more. I walked in. The bedroom door was slightly left open and I saw a mess in there. An ice cream bucket left on the bed, not even the nightstand, and a bunch of tissues next to the bed, on the floor. He pushed the door close and looked at me for a moment before looking away.

The internet told me... GroffLin fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon