In this box lays the item that come from one of the best days of my life. The day I married you. You had every part of me and most of all my heart and you will always remain there until the day I die. One day I will see you again but for now I know you are our guardian angel.

Each day I see you, through our precious little girl. Those gorgeous emerald eyes, that firey golden hair that curls at the tips. I see you through our baby's eyes and I know you are always there with us. I will promise that I will give her everything she needs. To tell her the stories of our time together. To tell her how much we wanted and loved her from the very first moment we knew she was coming. Even before we made her.

I will hold you close to my heart and I will never forget our time together. I will always be your husband and Maci will always be your daughter. We love you and miss you lots.

Forever in our hearts, forever in our souls.

Forever yours,

Love Aidan and Maci Willow


p.s I Love You

I let out a shaky breath as I read over the note. A warm tear sliding down my face was wiped away from a small hand and I looked at maci as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She always knows when her Daddy is upset and always does her best to comfort me and it's the same thing her Mummy would always do.

"Daddy sad." she whispered and then moved back and kissed me on the cheek. I gave her a smile and then pulled her back into me and gave her a the biggest hug back.

"Daddy's okay Mace. I love you." I said as i relished in the feel of being wrapped around my daughter. There are not enough words to describe how much and how special this beautiful little girl means to me.

"Wuv you Daddy." she said before trying to squirn out of my embrace. I chuckled and released her and watched as she got back onto the grass and handed me the trowel.

"Wait a minute, Daddy needs to do something first." I said as I opened the box. Maci was watching on curiously as I folded the note back up and then kissed it. I passed it to her and she looked at it for a minute before doing the same thing as I did. She carefully put it to rest in the bottom of the box, Callie's wedding ring was placed onto the note.

"Dig now Daddy." she said as she went to close the box but I put my hand over it. There's one more thing that needs to go inside.

"One more princess." I whispered as I looked down at my left hand. The glare from the sun shone on the ring as I twirled it on my finger and then ever so slowly slid it off. My finger feels naked already without it on there. It's going to take a few days, maybe a few weeks to get used to not having a ring on that finger. I lifted the ring to eye level and read the words that were engraved on the inner and smiled.

Callie's Husband 14/02/36

Just as we did on the day we exchanged vows, I pressed the cool metal to my lips and kissed the ring softly. Without wasting more time, and ignoring the impatient look I was getting from my daughter, I placed my wedding ring beside Callie's. Maci then gave me this look and then closed the box. Just like her mother.

"You're bossy." I chuckled as I picked up the trowel and began to dig a hole in the centre of the plot. Mace watched on as I made a deep enough hole for the box to fit. Hopefully I can make it look like nothing was tampered with, the thing I don't need is having someone come alone and find them. That would seriously piss me off but there's no one around right now so that's good.

Loving Her ~ Book FIVEWhere stories live. Discover now