"Can we get on to why I asked you to come here." Damien sighs. Cain leans against the mantle of the fireplace. "You proposed to Aryah" Damien nods awkwardly. "Is her body rejecting the gem?" Damien shifts his gaze to the floor, rubbing the back of his neck. "Not exactly. I didn't know, I gave it to her too soon. I was supposed to give it to her during the ceremony, now it's been slowly absorbing her soul since I gave it to her." Cain visibly tenses, his facial expression twists for a moment but he quickly recovers. Damien continues, "Death paid us a visit and-" Cain jumps up, clenching his fists. "He knows she's here!?" Damien and Kai both jump at his reaction. "We need to move her back home immediately!" Kai pushes himself up, raising his voice to the same level. "She just got here! I just moved Chris here!" Cain shoves Kai back. "Not everything is about you!" Damien steps between them, putting his hands up in surrender to Cain. "Cain listen, I believe he's been following us since we've left. He's in disguise as a noble named Lucan" He lets out a sigh. "He's the one who gave Aryah her gem." Cain's frowns. "Why would he do that?" Damien shrugs, "I believe he wants her alive for something." Cain looks around the room as he searches his mind for answers. Silence fills the room. "Have you been able to find Marina?" Damien asks hesitantly. Cain shakes his head no. Damien opens his mouth to say something comforting but Cain cuts him off before he starts. "I left Ben in charge while I am gone I can't stay here long. What is it we need to do." Damien nods, "The ceremony will protect Aryah and fix the issue." "You're going to get married that quickly?" Cain tilts his head amused. Kai chuckles and plops back down onto the chair. "I know,  who would have thought you'd be the first." Damien rolls his eyes as Cain brings his hand up to his chin, thinking. "You know what that means don't you?" Damien shakes his head, shrugging. "What?" Cain smirks, looking to Kai, "Why don't you tell him Kai." Kai narrows his eyes huffing. "It doesn't mean anything." Cain turns back to Damien, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It means you are rightfully king." Damien scoffs. "I don't want to be king." Kai nods happily, "Perfect, problem solved, I'm on it." Cain crosses his arms, furrowing his brows. "Damien it is in our parent's laws. The first son to be wed and bring an heir." Damien frowns, "Holy shit Cain, Aryah's still a virgin I seriously doubt she's thinking about kids." Cain shrugs, "That doesn't mean it won't happen sooner than you think. Listen Whether Kai likes to admit it or not, you are much closer to these things than both of us." Damien turns around to pour another glass of scotch. "Can we please talk about this later." Cain chuckles, "As you wish, but you know the laws." He turns to Kai, "On other business, we need to discuss the war." "What about it?" Kai tilts his head. Cain rolls his eyes at how dense he can be sometimes. "Why are our soldiers still fighting when we now have a common enemy, rather than ourselves." Kai thinks for a moment. "We need to come up with conditions." Damien and Cain look at Kai skeptically. "I will remain king until all of this is figured out with Damien." Cain nods, "Enough changing army members into shadows and you will give up your search for immortality." Kai takes a sip from his glass. "I haven't changed anyone into a shadow since you left." Cain nods again, "I would like to meet all of the people you have changed into shadows immediately in the throne room. I will choose if they are worthy of this gift." Cain says sarcastically. Kai frowns, shrugging. "I've already done that thanks."  Damien sighs, "Just let him do it Kai, he won't trust you otherwise." Kai brings his glass up in agreement. "Deal." Cain and Damien lift their glasses to his, cheering. After a swig, Cain pipes up again. "Alright enough of this. You and Aryah will be coming back with me Damien." Cain says sternly to Damien. Damien opens his mouth to protest. "I was not asking." Cain puts his glass down on the mantle and exits the room. "I'm not a kid. Why the hell does everyone think they can tell me what to do." Kai chuckles, "As much as I disagree with him Damien, you're our baby brother." Damien glances at him. "I could kick both your asses." Kai stands, patting him on the shoulder. "I'll hold you to that.

Damien walks into the hall, wear Joan stood patiently. "You have been requested by Prince Cain in the throne room in ten minutes, your grace." Damien nods at her. "Thank you, would you mind checking on Aryah for me please? Tell her I'll meet her in about an hour." Joan curtseys with a smile. "Of course your grace."

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