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with the doctors trying to save devan, i am sitting in colby's lap. soon the doctor comes out and looks at me with sad eyes.

"im sorry miss key"

i feel so dead. first, i lose my parents because of a car crash and now devan. i stand up and start to walk out the building. ignoring all of the calls. i see thats it's starting to snow. and i dont have a coat. but i dont care. i just keep walking, 

{3rd person pov}

after kathy took off colby decided to follow her to make sure she was ok, but he wouldn't follow too close. just far enough for him to see her. 

'god she is so gorgeous' colby thought

soon enough it started snowing and kathy didnt have a coat. she ended up walking to the park, where she saw the forest that her and her parents went to nearly every day. so she walked in. she walked into the forest farther and farther, finding the old waterfall, she remembered finding a cave there and so she followed her instincts to find the cave when she found it she wondered into it. 

colby continued to follow her but he kinda lost her. when he found a waterfall he saw her climb into a cave. 

{kathy's pov}

i feel like someone is following me but i try to ignore it. which wasnt easy. suddenly i heard a noise behind me. so i look and i see colby.

"Jesus are you trying to give me a heart attack?! "


and he walks over to sit by me. 

"so why did you come here?"

"when i was younger this was always the forest that me and my parents would come to and one day i discovered there being a cave behind the waterfall. so this is where i come and sometimes breakdown."

"if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents?"

"one day it was my birthday and so they were taking me somewhere for a surprise and this truck would not slow down. so it crashed into the front part of the car instantly killing my parents somehow i managed to survive. so devan losing his life because of a crash, it honestly kills me. because i never wanted to go through that again."

{colby's pov}

almost as an instinct i reach over and wrap my arms around her. and i hold her close to me. i pull away and take a glance at her.  slowly i lean in and soon i place my lips on her. she was tense at first. but very quickly loosens up but she pulls away, and starts crying.

"hey what's wrong."

"he was my second boyfriend"


"i had a boyfriend named alex we went to the same orphanage but he broke up with over the phone. and devan said that the only way he could protect me was if i was his girlfriend."

"you didnt have sex with him did you"

"i did...... twice"

"i'll keep this just between you and me."

"thank you"

"how about we go get some coffee and then we can call your dad."


we leave the cave and go to Starbucks and we both get a coffee. kathy sits right beside me and leans on my shoulder. as we are sitting i get a call i look and see that its collins.

"hey i was just about to call you"

"wheres kathy"

"hey dude breath, facetime me." so he does

"see she's right here."

"baby girl im coming back home and we will figure this out together"

"dad, i love that you care, but i would rather not talk about it. i just handle death differently. i just usually shut people out for a few weeks."

"im still coming home."

  and he hangs up.

"hey colby"


"i know this is soon, but can i be your girlfriend. because i told my dad i had a boyfriend but that boyfriend was devan. and your an amazing guy....."

i cut her off with a kiss



hey guys sorry its a short chapter but i hope you like it

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