Chapter 2

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Tsuna stood in front of a school gate it's been two weeks since his move to this universe.

It took a while to deal with the paperwork for Vongola and to gather info plus finding an apartment to rent and wouldn't be troublesome to deal with if I suddenly get sent back. Well, at least I somehow made it in time before my transfer.

Tsuna just examined the students that were walking in all he could do was feel disgusted after researching the way they treat the class his joining. He smirked before putting on a dame act only without the tripping.

Why would I want to trip that's just a pain to deal with?

He walked into the school to follow the memory of the map he found during his research only to end up in front of the principal office Tsuna took a deep breath before knocking a cold voice welcomed him in. The second he opened the door his hyper intuition just scream that this guy was bad news though just looking at him he looked insane he walked closer before he stood in front of his desk

So this is the messed up guy called Gakuho Asano...

"Welcome to my school Sawada Tsunayoshi-kun thank you for arriving earlier as I asked the class your in is a bit hard to.." He smirked ".. find.

Tsuna could only feel grossed out by his smile but he had to play his act.

"Is that so? Which floor could I find it? It is nice to have a hint"

Thought I already know that it's on the mountain

Asano just smiled and said, "it's off campus it's up the hill near the entrance."

Tsuna acted like He was shocked but on the inside, he was just complaining about this whole situation.

"Oh my, then I should head out now then if that fine with you sir?"

"Oh that's fine everything you need is there."

Tsuna walked over to the door turned around and bowed telling him thank you for his time the second he closed the door behind him he let out a giant sigh.

Jeez, I'm already done with this mess up place.

He walked towards the stairs until he got bored from walking only to think the third floor isn't high at all. He opened a window looked around checking if anyone was around.


With a giant smile he jumped out of the window and landed on his feet crouching with his hands on the ground he did one more look around while standing up smirked and dust himself off he started walking towards the mountain. (Cat Tsuna always lands on his feet)

Surrounded by trees in a run downed building a teacher with black spiky hair was talking to a class of 28 students. The man started to speak

"As I have informed you a transfer student will be joining us today at the moment he is talking with the principal. He should be here in five minutes."

As he finishes that sentence a knock was heard at the door the teacher walked over to the door and opened it to find a teenage boy with gravity-defying burn hair and caramel eyes. The man was shocked, to say the least.

I didn't even sense him he thought to himself.

The boy looked up to him and seemed confused only to realize what he did.

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