Chapter 9: Tea

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Ms.Hussa opened the door with another staff member beside of her.

"Hi, we met earlier today-"

Jane managed to choke out words from her throat. "Go away..."

"I know it must be hard but your sick. Do you want something to eat or drink? Do something?"

"I don't want to be here. I can take care of myself."

"Alright, I'll come back in a little while to check on you."

Hussa and the worker left, closing the door tightly behind them. A chill went up her spine as a bird call could be heard. Lifting her head up she turned her head slightly to the side waiting to see if it would sound off again. Silence.

I must be going insane, there's no way I could have heard a bird from in here. I don't even know where here is. It could be a city or in the middle of nowhere. There's no dirt on the floor at all, no bugs, no cracks, it's clean of any hints. Bruce probably spilled it all and they made sure I didn't get any. What's up with the door? How is it this strong? I'm not as weak like I was in Phantom but I put some dents into that but not this one. They even figured out how to knock me out for hours. My head is still disoriented. It was in that tea no doubt, I couldn't smell it because of the honey in it.

Her heart filled with resentment and betrayal she got up from the floor. Shaking her hands like something was on them her eyes changed from silver to bright blue. Her arms traced with patterns of the same color as well as most of her body it glowed underneath her skin as she charged at the door. This time she jumped up in the air when a pulse knocked her to the wall. The pattern that had flowed turned to wounds. Out of breath she laid against the wall.

The entire room was coated in THAT material. It reacted terrible with her powers or rather the energy that caused them. Creating wounds on her that would heal in about a day or so once the reaction drain from her system. A nurse came in to treat the newer wounds as a guard stood near the door. It didn't matter, there wasn't enough energy to do a small portal for a nut let alone run. They too left quickly without a word.

5 hours 13 minutes passed before Hussa came back with a tray with food on it. Sitting on the bed where Jane leaned up against the wall.

"I got some food for you. I thought after your ate we could talk."

"I'm...not hungry." Jane's belly growled at the smell.

"You need to eat something."

"...Fine." She grabbed the tray and began eating. After about 15 minutes she was done.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"How would you feel if someone you trusted knocked you out with tea and locked you up in a psych ward?"

"Do you think that he made a mistake?"

"I think he shouldn't have hidden the truth. I-If he didn't conceal it then...yea...he did."

"So the outburst of anger you wouldn't be worried about your mental health? Your ability makes you dangerous to those around you and yourself. You just injured yourself."

"...I didn't have a... I'm not dangerous."

"You just slammed into a wall multiple times and practically ripped yourself up to escape."

"I...I don't like being caged up like a bird. You wouldn't either."

"Your emotions, would you say it's like turning a switch on and off? Having extreme emotions suddenly?"


" Did you intend on injuring yourself 5 hours ago?"

"No, I intended on escaping."

"We have rules here. Like most places you can get privileges like cell phones or more time out of your room be behaving. For a couple of days we'll figure out what prescription work best so you can get better. We do allow visitations and I'm sure Bruce will visit you then."

"What if they are broken? What happens?"

"Well, privileges are revoke. Some thing that we don't allow are things like injuring yourself or others, attacking a facility member, having contraband, aiding in any harmful act, not taking your medication, attempting to escape, and among other things."

"So is everyone here as messed up as I am?"

"I nor anyone especially the patients can discuss why they are here. Some are just temporary and others are here for a longer duration."

"What am I?"

"Depends on your recovery, it's too early to know."

"What kinds of things do I have to do here?"

"Tomorrow a nurse will come by to do some blood work and give you your schedule. I will make sure that you're directed to where you need to go."

"And what if I refuse?"

"Then your recovery is that much longer."

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