Smiling Broadly

476 16 35

Another low rumble of thunder sounded outside, causing Jesse to slightly glance up from the book she was reading. Smiling briefly, she nestled herself deeper into the pillows on the couch and continued to read. In her opinion, there was no better way to spend a rainy autumn Saturday.

"We've been over this already!"

"No, we haven't! You just won't listen to my ideas!"

Jesse sighed, leaning her head down against her book. She had really thought that they would have some peace and quiet that week, since Olivia was visiting Redstonia for an unveiling of an invention, and decided to drag Axel along with her. Seven days without having to listen to the griefer and engineer's bickering... only for Lukas and Petra to all of sudden take it upon themselves to replace Axel and Olivia, by getting on each other's nerves at least three times every single day.

"Petra, I've made it very clear that I'm using this week to clean up the house a bit, since you and Axel are trashing the place 24/7."

"So what? I'd say you need a break!"

The voices were getting progressively louder as the two moved down the stairs.

"Sure, what better way to take a break from cleaning up, than to go running around outside in the mud."


"That was sarcasm."

Jesse tried to focus her attention on her book, her concentration getting distracted by Lukas and Petra's arguing.

"It's been raining all week, come on! Don't you feel any sympathy for your friend?"

"Petra, you're driving me insane. Go annoy Jesse or something."

Oh hell no, please don't. Jesse thought, sinking deeper into the cushions.

"I can't."


"Because she's reading. When Jesse's got her nose in her book, nothing can get through to her. The only thing I haven't tried yet, is a brick."

"And please don't try that."

Jesse bit her lip, trying to stop herself from snorting. She subtly glanced up, seeing Lukas and Petra as they came into the living room. Lukas was carrying a box of old books, while Petra was tagging along after him.

"Look, why don't you try and entertain yourself with something other than going out in the rain and trekking a trail of mud back inside?" Lukas suggested, taking a book from the box and holding it out to Petra.

Her response was a disgusted, gagging noise.

"You're impossible."

"Lukas, what exactly did you expect?" Jesse asked with a chuckle, unable to hold her laughter. She lowered her book to face her two friends.

"Would you look at that, she actually stopped reading." Petra said in mock disbelief. "Where's my camera? This is a once in a lifetime occurrence!"

"Oh, shut up." Jesse said with a playful roll of her eyes.

"Jesse, can you please just deal with Petra?" Lukas asked, promptly pushing the redhead over to Jesse. "If I have to listen to her wining for five more minutes, I'm going to loose my mind."

"You owe me then." Jesse warned Lukas with a chuckle as she put her book side.

"So-" Petra began.

"No, I'm not going out in the rain." Jesse cut her off before she could even suggest it.

Petra sighed grumpily, sinking down on the couch. She crossed her arms over her chest, pouting.

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