~Chapter 3~

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«Hello everyone...I hope you all a well and healthy..I think I will continue on writing this one till chapter 5 then after that I will update my first book because the first book will have a long one and I think I will write 5 or 7 volume for that to end^&^...anyway here is here chapter 3.enjoy»

After the even last night,Louie have been sleeping whole day to forget of what had happen..,well he wish he forget all about it but a certain someone....or system won't let that happen thought..😑

After resting for sometime...the alarm ringing....Louie then enter the bathroom and....


An ear preaching cry heard 😱


Back to present^

"...yah..now I remember it...

«Host its alright,host will get use to it after some time:)..»

"Thanks for the advice...."a little smile curve on his face.

«[finally host is smiling..] any time host...so what host planing to do for today..??

"Well one of the wish is continue school right so that mean I have to enter the school again...

«Yes..that right host so is host planning to enter the school today..?.»

"Yah, I will be doing that today but there is little problem....".

«What is it host..»

"Well...how..do..I..enter..school..again (▰˘◡˘▰)??.".

«........( ̄0  ̄)y................»

"System....?..you are laughing are you...".

«......no...no..such thing host..(゚3゚)~♪...»

"Then why just silent a moment ago..there nothing laughable about that right,even I am still schooler on my former world that don't mean I know how...my parent the one handle it..."('へ'≠)'pout'.".

«[oh no..host is angry...well its true there is nothing laughable about that...but the way host...asking...it....well...how should..I say it..if host has say it in front other...that..one must..be..a..killing..blow..just..now..😆...kyaaa..host is super 'adorable'..].»

"System you still not answering me...."

«no...no..I listing host it just that..want to find the right word to say it...»

'Louie raising its eyebrow looking at his system..'
'Still looking at his system...'

«Ah,right...the school...don't worry host,I will handle all of it...»


«second...and...done..here its host...»

A white paper then appear in front him...

"Cool....how did you do that...??.."

«Well host there a lot more of thing I can do you know...like I can spy on someone for host or gather information for host..»

"Well I don't think I will be needing that because this body can do all of that,you say it last night..."

«[faceflam it self]...right..but host can buy anything that host might need from my store..»

"But didn't you say I need point to buy anything from it..."

«Ohh right,almost forget about that.. host the higher ups has give host a beginner pack for host ( ^^)»

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