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Areum's POV:

"Hyunjin..." I heard a familiar voice call behind us.

Kim Hana from music stood there at the door of the cafe.

"Oh.. Hana, you're here" Hyunjin replied looking at her with eyes shinning as bright as the moon in the dark night.

She came over and Hyunjin side hugged her.

Then she hugged me and honestly even if the hug was a short one, I felt really good. What a bright girl.

"How are you Hana? Feeling better now?" I asked trying to make her a little comfortable.

"I feel great now, everything happened so suddenly, I couldn't get a hold of myself..." She replied saddened.

I pat her back and said

"It's alright, It's good to feel down once in a while, that's how you know you have feelings."

She smiled. A genuine smile.

"Alright guys, let's get to work!" Minho said in a rather annoyed tone.

Jisung slid his arm around my shoulder.

"Come on, I'll show you around" He said slightly smirking.

Why does my heart feel like it's gonna explode?

His touch makes my body feel like it's on fire.

He briefed me about the job, timings and the salary. But honestly, it doesn't matter, I just wanna come here everyday because it makes me feel like I'm at home.

"So when do I start? I asked.

"Today" He smiled cheekily.

"Alright, boss." I grinned.

The whole day passed by. I made different types of coffee, and while I was at it, I felt those doe eyes on me, and whenever I'd look up he'd look away as if nothing happened.

I tried so hard to hide the smile that appeared everytime I looked at him.

" What's going on, Areum you look like a maniac smiling without any reason" Hana laughed.

I snapped out of my imagination and put on my poker face.

"No, no.. It's nothing. I'm just happy" I said looking at Jisung, and when he smiled, I just couldn't hold back.

I felt my lips curve at the edges.

Jisung stood up from his seat and advanced towards me.

Why is he coming over? What the hell. Stop.

"Alright, time's up guys. It's 8:00pm already. We sholuld pack up." He said as he picked his bag up which was placed right next to the counter I was standing beside.

Everybody hummed in unison.

"Oh guys! I have an idea!" Felix got up suddenly, grabbing attention from everybody in the room.

"What?" everybody asked at one time. W ow what chemistry.

"There's this party down town, one of my friends arranged it. Let's go there shall we?" He replied in that thick aussie accent.

"WOOHOO! Let's go" The party animal Hwang Hyunjin screamed.

I looked over to Hana, who seemed as confused as I was.

"Are we invited?" I whispered to Hana.

She just shrugged in response.

Little did we know, Jeongin was looking at us all the time.

"Can Hana and Areum come too?" He asked all of a sudden.

"Isn't it obvious, I said 'we'. By 'we' I meant all of us" Felix said showing off his million dollar smile. Wow he's cute .

"Umm.. so can we like go home and change first?" Hana asked.

"Obviously, they have a code at these parties" Minho replied in annoyance. He's such a meanie.

Hana came over to me and grabbed my arm.

"You are coming with me, let's get ready together." She said and pulled me towards the door of the cafe.

"We'll be waiting at my place, Hyunjin could you please pick us up from there?" She said as we stopped at the door.

How does Hyunjin know where she lives?

Omg, kids these days.

"Alright, be there at 9:30? One and a half hour is enough right?" He asked teasing.

"Yeah. see you."

And just like that we left for Hana's house.

At Hana' s place:

"Oh.. so you live alone?" I asked inquisitively, looking around Hana's place.

"Nope, my parents come and visit me every now and then whenever they come back from America. I just live here because of MIC. It's the best institute after all." She said flashing a smile at me.

"What do your parents do?" She asked skimming through her wardrobe that was overflowing with beautiful clothes.

"They rest..." I replied suddenly gloomy.

"Oh, like they don't work or..." She was saying just when I interrupted her.

"They rest in peace.." I replied with a sad smile, she turned to me and suddenly came over and hugged me.

"Oh.. my God.. I'm so sorry Areum. I shouldn't have asked.. Oh God.."

" It's alright.. The past remains the past, now let's get ready or we'll be late." I said trying to distract her.

"Alright what do we have here." She said pulling a blue lace, full sleeve, short knee length dress and placing it on my body.

"This looks perfect." 

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