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My father died when I hadn't even entered this world, and being a single parent was a difficult task for her. She started losing her mind.

Cherry on top, her daughter turns out to be dyslexic.

How cool is that?

But she should've held onto me. I was her only family. She shouldn't have scarred me so much that now even after a decade I don't seem to get over my past.

I experience nightmares that haunt me.

She'd beat me up everyday I made silly mistakes at school, but nobody tried to help me. My teachers would straight away call her and tell her that I was non serious.

For fucks sake, I was a freaking 7 year old. Why the fuck would I make mistakes on purpose.

I wasn't able to read properly even when I desperately wanted to. Like all the normal children at my school would.

When I turned 9, my class teacher told my mother I needed to get myself checked, as she being an intellectual, identified that I had dyslexia and that I needed professional help.

"Mom, do you know, Areum can't read a single line without the teacher's help ."

I would usually hear a lot of that shit whenever mothers came to pick their children up from school. But it didn't affect me a lot.

What affected me was that my very own mother was embarrased of me. The reason behind her never coming to pick me up was that she was scared of the society snickering and making fun of our lives.

I repeat, she should've still held onto me.

Well, on the Annual Result day, my torture finally ended.

No. I didn't get a good grade like all the other kids.

She welcomed me home with her usual leash and boy oh boy, it stinged so much that I still have slight marks on my whole body.

That day she beat me with all of her might.

I was slowly dying.

Everything went blurry by the second.

I lay there motionless, on the cold ground.

Somehow, I managed to keep my eyes open from time to time.

Next thing, I saw was her tying a rope to the ceiling fan.

And the next was her feet slightly above the ground, in mid air.

I wanted to scream.

But I couldn't. She left me.


The walk home soon ended, with my thoughts acompanying me.

Now I live free, independent and alone.


If any of you ever suffered any such criticism or discrimination, then always remember that I am standing by your side where ever you are!

So stay strong bolts, this is a difficult life, and the ones who live happily are the only ones who survive :)

xoxo please vote!

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