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"What the Hell was going through your dumb head when you though of this?" Euro yelled, storming up the four of us that visibly shrunk under her anger, "Just because you don't exist to this world, doesn't mean you can just sail across the Atlantic and illegally come into the states!"

"It kind of does..." I trailed off, knowing instantly that wasn't the right thing to stay.

"No, It doesn't! You Dummkopf! You can't just do whatever the Hell you want!"

No one spoke for a long while. The continents and oceans just waited for Euro's eyes returned to their normal hue. Euro sighed and looked at the ceiling breathing in deeply.

"Sorry, I'm just so irritated... I didn't mean to yell."

"You're just irritated!" A certain Brit said.

"Yes, My emotions get me a lot."

"We can't really hold it to you," Asia spoke, "Its not like you have them all reeled in. You're better than we you were younger."

"That wasn't very pleasant..." Euro looked at the floor.

"Remember when you disguised yourself as a boy and set sail?" Asia asked, "That's how you met this little squirt." Asia put his hand on my head and shook his hand to mess up my hair, I swatted his hand away and set him a glare.

"Don't do that," I growled.

Asia just laughed.

"I remember when she came down to my continent!" Oceania called, wanting to join the conversation. Indian just sighed at his friend's stupidity.

"And same with mine!" Northy called, Southy nodded also.

"The better question is, where didn't she go?" Antarctica asked, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Good question," Euro smiled, "I can't even remember, it was such a long time ago."

"Who the Hell are you?" America called, loudly.

All of us stopped, and looked at the loud nation before looking back to Northy who was smiling, then back to America who just looked confused. I looked back at Northy and nodded. Northy understood and smiled wider. Euro caught this display and was about to object but Northy was already speeding towards America.

Northy crashed into the nation and hugged him, "America! I missed you! It's been too long! Where's your brother? God, its been so long."

"W-what?" America stammered, clearly confused.

"Ya, Dude, I'm your Dad. North America." Northy smiled his American smile, "Now where's your brother? Canada?"

"Um... Here?" A small voice said from where Russia was seated.

"Canada!!!" Northy ran to the quiet country and pushed the Russian from Canada's lap. I heard Euro sigh and Asia grumbled. Northy was hugging the almost invisible country and muttering about something.

America came up behind Northy, still confused. "What are you talking about?!"

Northy ignored him and continued to hug the Canada who was looking very awkward. For a quick second Northy stopped, turned and caught the metal pipe Russia was trying to hit him with. "I wouldn't do that," Northty advised.

"Mind explaining, Da?" Russia asked before kol-ing.

"We are the representations of the Oceans and Continents, as probably stated by these idiots," Euro explained, "I'm Europe, the idiot over there is North America, or your father." Northy waved and went back to hugging America - who was still confused - and Canada - who seemed to get some of it.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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