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(Remus' p.o.v. now)

I just want to say THANKS for the 666 reads. (i'm sorry I had to)

I awoke to Sirius shaking me

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I awoke to Sirius shaking me. When I sat up, James and him were next to me. I was super tired and I didn't know why. Then I remembered. I was up late last night stopping Y/n form dying. 

"Remus, you're usually up before us, what changed?" Sirius asked.

"Sorry, I was up late last night helping Y/n not com," I realized what I was going to say and changed it quickly. "pletly fail her test." Smooth real smooth. 

"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrre. You totally weren't asking her out or anything." James said. 

"Shut up." I punched him in the arm. 

After getting up and changing into my robes, we headed off to breakfast, where we found Y/n eating some pancakes. When she saw us she smiled. We sat down in our usual seats and started eating. 

"So, Y/n do you have a crush on anyone?" Sirius asked. I quickly glared at him. Without emotion she said, 

"I have people I would wanna date, but they wouldn't wanna date me, so I don't think it really counts."

"Like who?" James asked. "Is it Remus?" I kicked him from under the table. Her face got super read and she looked down at her food. 

"Nope!" Her voice was more high pitched than normal. Could she really have a crush on me? No she's probably just uncomfortable after what happened last night. 

"Mmmmmmhhhmmm." Sirius said.

"We need a ship name for them!" James suggested. 

"No!" Y/n and I said in unison. 

"S/N!(ship name)" Sirius said. James high fived him and responded with,

"Yes!" Y/n hid her face behind her hands to hide her embarrassment. I mouthed "sorry" to her and kept on eating. 

(Normal p.o.v. now)

Breakfast felt longer than usual, probably because they were shipping you and Remus. You tried to deny it, but you had a huge crush on him. He was just super nice and sweet. He was perfect in almost every way. 

You headed to class and sat in your usual spots in the back. The teacher walked into the class room and started teaching about some root. You weren't listening til he said, 

"By the way, a teacher found this noose hanging in the forest, and we wanted to make sure none of the students are trying to commit suicide. You don't have to say it in front of the class, but If it's yours please tell me after class. Now open up to page 250(anyone get this reference) and start reading." 

You were about to cry. You couldn't tell him. You started to hyperventilate. Remus squeezed your hand for a second and you quickly stopped. You mouthed a quick thanks before reading the page. It was about werewolves. Remus seemed to be getting exceeding more nervous as he read on. You put a hand on his shoulder. 

"You okay?" He looked up at you for a second before saying, 

"Mhm." and doing a fake smile. You could tell a fake smile from a mile away. You had done one so much, you had learned to recognize them. 


The class ended and you headed towards your next class. You were started to feel a little faint, but you kept moving. It was probably from cutting so much this morning. You sat down in a seat next to Remus and put your head down on the desk. 

"You okay Y/n?" Remus asked. 

"Yeah.... Just tired." You lifted your head off the desk just in time for the professor to walk in. She smiled at you and started writing things down on the board. 

After a couple minutes your vision started to become blurry and it was getting increasingly harder to stay awake. The world was spinning rapidly and you could feel yourself on the verge of passing out. Your heard your name being called before the world spun black. 

Hi, sorry about not posting in a while, I had a bit of a writers block and just now had the time to write this. Sorry that this is so short, I will try to post another chapter tomorrow. Bye! 

HOLY SHIT, IT'S 1:52 a.m. I did not expect that.

(Marauders era) Remus Lupin x depressed reader.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu