The rest of the week was pretty much the same. You had to make sure to stay with Cassiopeia, so the Slytherins would stay away from you. Over the last 2 days you had spent with Cassie(that's what you called her for short) you started to realize something. She was super shy around everyone, except you. Around you she was this amazing bubbly girl, but around anyone else she's shy and awkward. 

Right now, you were sitting in the Library, waiting for Remus to show up. He had said that he wanted to talk to you about something serious. You were shaking you were so nervous. Had he found out about the cuts? What would he say? Was he lying about coming just to make you nervous? 

He ended up showing up a moment later. He sad down the seat in front of you and smiled. He seemed genuinely happy. Of course he could be faking it. You faked a smile.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked, and nervously fidgeted with your hands. He seemed hesitant at first, but then cleared his throat and spoke

"About the bruises on you arms, how'd you get them?" You looked down and tried to think of a lie, but you knew he wouldn't believe you. You didn't realize this, but you had started to hyperventilate. You were having another panic attack. Tears streamed down your face as you fought to try to breathe. But, what you didn't realize was, Remus had sat next to you and put his hand on yours. "Deep breathes, Y/n. Count these numbers out loud for me okay?" You nodded slowly. He then proceeded to start to count numbers out of order, with you repeating them. Your breathing started to slow down and the tears stopped flowing onto your lap. Remus sat next to being silent. The only sound you could hear was the sound of a couple girls chatting about what they were going to do for Christmas break. You took a deep breath and answered his question. 

"My dad..." He nodded slowly and hugged you. You felt a knot in your stomach form as he let go. 

"Listen, you can't go back there it's not safe. Wait, let me speak." He held out a finger when you had tried to speak. "Yes, I know, you've lived with him your entire life, and you're probably used to it, but, that doesn't mean it's right. Me and Lily agreed that it would be safer for you to stay at my house or the others, should you choose to tell them. I already asked my parents, and they said they'd be fine with that." 

"You sure? I mean I wouldn't want to be a bother." You were about to decline when Lily sat down in front of you guys. 

"So, what did she say?" 

"She hasn't answered yet." You hated how they were acting as if you weren't even there. It made you feel lonely and forgotten. You started to dig your nails into your palm, when someone had stopped you. "Y/n, stop that. What's even wrong?" 

"N-nothing!" You new they'd judge you for your selfishness. "Also, yes, I'll come during Christmas break, gotta go bye!" You had started to stand up when he had grabbed your wrists.


"I'm fine! Really, nothing's wrong. Just, please let me go, please." He let go of your wrists and you quickly walked away towards the bathroom. In the last stall you had figured out that there was a loose hollow brick, so you decided to hide a spare razor there. 

You locked the stall and pulled out your razor. You rolled up you sleeve and started to drag it across. You told yourself to only do a few, because you were running out of space, and you didn't want to have to use your right arm. The stinging pain was a huge relief for your built up stress. You felt that when you bleed, you were bleeding your pain and sorrows out. 

After making about 6 cuts you wrapped a paper-towel around your arm, put your razor away, rolled up your sleeves and walked out of the bathroom. You were grateful when you got to the girls dorm; Cassie was there. She was quietly sitting in the corner with her head in her hands. At first you thought she might be asleep, so you tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me, with red puffy eyes. She must've been crying, 

"What's wrong?" You asked and sat next to her. You put your hand on her knee to try to comfort her. 

"J-just some bullies...." Her voice wasn't as bubbly as you were used to. You motioned for her to continue. "They said our friendship was f-fake and t-that you were j-just using me, so y-you could h-have a maid...." I hugged her. 

"That's simply not true. Our friendship is one of the truest things ever. I wouldn't use you, okay? Don't let them get to you." I let go and she nodded. "Also, I need some help with potions." I was trying to get her mind off of what they said, but I still was in need of help. I was too embarrassed to ask the other boys. Her eyes lit up. 

"I could help you! In a week I could put you in a 3rd year class too! Then you could be in class with me!"

"Yup!" As much as I liked spending potions with the boys, I could do without them in one class. We pulled out our books and started working. 

After about an hour I had understood everything that we had been learning and a bit more. We decided that we'd work an hour every day around lunch time. I had to admit, she's really good at teaching people. You were currently chatting about family.

"Wait, so if you were a boy, you would've been named Damian?" you asked, laughing. "If I was I boy I would've been named Jackob." 

"So, how is life at your house?" You visibly tensed up. You had hoped she hadn't wanted to ask that.

"It's.... alright..." You sighed. 

"What do you mean by that? Does you dad ground you a lot or something?" 

"If you mean slam me into the ground then yes(go away sinners. Ik it sounds wrong, but, don't get me started)" You mumbled, not meaning for he to hear. 

"What?" She asked. "He does what? He abuses you?" You sighed and nodded. "Are you getting help?" You nodded again. "K, good." 

The rest of day you spent in the dorms reading one of the muggle manga's you had bought, with money you stole from you father. You had the first set, but you were waiting for the last 6 books. The manga you were reading was The Promised Neverland, book 3. (Great manga, Highly recommend it) You loved this manga and had started falling in love with the characters. You truly understood Ray. He seemed just like you. A sad, broken, nightmare filled person.

You ended up falling asleep around 8:30, because you were so tired. 


Hi! Sorry, this chapter is super late, but I made it long for you guys. Also, I will be posting another chapter today if I can. 

(Marauders era) Remus Lupin x depressed reader.Where stories live. Discover now