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I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, ive really enjoyed writing it! 

what kinda things do you guys want to see coming up?


Chapter 15:

5-30-2250-210 a.d.d.

*kii-ea p.o.v*

My team for the meeting contains the guys, lex, liam, xander, gia, and V. There are a couple of Martian representatives here as well.

We walk in and the screen is filled with human representatives from cities all around the globe. I sit in my seat, lex next to me and v behind us. The others in their usual seats.

"Lets begin" Nathan growls out. I nod to him, signaling him to go.

"Kii-ea, when were you going to discuss that you are in fact a Martian descendant? I feel this information should have been disclosed day one." Nathan says. A few others nod in agreement and one on the tv shouts "Yeah!"

I roll my eyes. Thank the universe no one can see me.

"here we go again with mister "I hate everyone, even my son.". V cuts into my com. I chuckle at her.

"Nathan , I sent you a full work up of my peoples dna before we entered atmosphere, did I not?" I say calmly.

"Yes you di-"

"Have you looked at it?" I ask him.

"Of course, I have." He bluffs, his voice rising slightly.

"Well, then. A, send the data to the rest of the council people. I need yo to highlight second D, paragraph 2, line 6. "The federation contains a population of 100% Martrodinus Genes. The species entities four limbs and 4 eyes. Grey melatonin and a Uv resistant skin." I read for him.

"Why was this not discussed in person.?" He demands again, gaining a few followers.

"I did state how our dna is 99% similar to that of your mutants. This being said, your Martians also have a 99% dna similarity to your mutants do they not? If you failed to read the information I so kindly provided, then that is a fault on your part?" I am holding my tongue and trying not to be bitter.

I could hear people saying that they had seen it themselves. Whispers of how crazy Nathan was being spread quickly.

"That's it! I have a proposition, one you are not allowed to refuse." He states to the congress.

"Our people, humans and mutants, find these Aliens disgraceful. Terrifying really, they pose no help to our forces, and now you come here and disguise yourself just like they did to get under our noses. You would have never reviled this information if the bombing never happened!" He yells.

Malaki physically scoots back, showing he is not agreeing with his father.

The crowd goes into mermer. I stay silent as they talk.

"Kii-ea, you and those things need to leave my office while we discuss. We will call you back." Nathans behavior stricks me as odd but I stand to leave.

"In this courtroom, I have as much of a say as this man right here! I myself have a proposition." Xander stands.

"Any and ALL residents who do not want to be CONTROLLED by this man here should join kii-ea and their people. Move to rudendorf. We can bring busses of people, start over. In a place that accepts you NO MATTER what." Xander turns to me, I nod, I like his proposition a lot, and more so that I was actually going to suggest this today anyway.

The Maxis sovereign: Earth Descension Project - RH bookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن