Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey, thank you a lot for all your reviews and for reading this story, again I'm sorry for all the spelling and grammatical mistakes (Please, I need a beta).

And go on and enjoy.

Clary was impatiently looking though her window, waiting for Jonathan. They had been seeing each other for a while now, he would slip through her window and take her to amazing places in New York only, though. Jonathan was reluctant on taking her away for more than a night or outside New York, still she showed her places she had never seen or heard of, filled with beauty and magic.

It was their secret, Jonathan apart from showing her all those wonderful things also had told her about their mother's past and everything that had led up to both of them having to grow up without each other.

Jonathan didn't come to visit her every night, but in the nights he came, he made her the center of his attention and always made sure she was safe and fine.

Tonight her mother was out of town, Clary had no idea where just that she was probably coming back tomorrow afternoon if not later. It was almost a relief, with her out of town she didn't had to worry about Jocelyn finding out she had been meeting Jonathan or having to come back before sunrise. Clary didn't thought her mother would realize she had been out even if she had been in town, still it did better to be cautious.

Clary was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a tap in her window, she quickly unlocked it and let Jonathan in, he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He looked paler and dark circles were forming around his eyes, still she was quick to wrap her arms around him and burry her face in his chest, it was always a bliss when he came. Clary felt him flinch a little and then hug her back. She didn't pay much attention to it until she felt that his back was wet, Clary looked up at him and then down at her hands even in the dim lit room she could see her fingertips slightly tainted with a deep red substance, blood. "Jon...?" Clary said in almost a whisper. "What is this?"

"Nothing you have to worry about, love." Jonathan said with a painful grin, sitting on her bed.

"Jonathan?" Clary said sternly. "What happened?"

"Nothing you have to worry about." Jonathan insisted.

"This isn't nothing, Jonathan." Clary said showing him her fingertips covered with blood.

"Fine." Jonathan said. "Valentine found out I stole the ring from him. Let's say he wasn't too happy about it."

Worry clouded Clary's eyes. "What did he do?" Anger laced in her voice.

"Don't worry—"

"Of course I worry about you. Now lie down." Jonathan grabbed her wrists and locked his gaze with hers. He saw that she wasn't going to let this go so he complied and lied down on his stomach.

Clary walked to the side of the bed and slowly pulled up his blood-wet shirt. She gasped in horror at seeing Jonathan's back in deep red slashes. "Did he do this to you?" Clary asked in whisper.

"Yes, this is his form of 'discipline'."

"You mean this has happened before." Clary said in a whisper. Jonathan just nodded slowly. She felt angry and hate at the father she had never met. How could he do something like this to his son?

"Stay here." Clary commanded as she went to look for the first aid kit. She knew it wouldn't do much given the depth of his wounds but she had to at least clean them and bandage them.

She returned to her room and started to cut the back of Jonathan's t-shirt. Jonathan made a move to get up but was quickly stoped by Clary. "Don't you dare move." She started to clean the slashes with antiseptic which made him flinch slightly.

When Clary finished bandaging his wounds they both laid in her bed. Jonathan on his side so his wounds wouldn't sting so much and Clary with her head buried in his chest.

"Why did he do this to you?" She whispered not wanting to break the calmness they had fallen in.

"He whipped me for stealing the ring I had been using to come see you. Whipping me has always been a form of discipline to him. Fortunately I got a warlock to make a copy of the ring."

Clary felt sorry for him having to grow up with such a monster. She wanted to protect him the way he always protected her. Both of them had always been on their own but now they had each other. Before she fell asleep she quietly whispered "I love you."

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