Chapter 4

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He rushed after her with he's Seraph blade in his hand. Jonathan arrived just in time. Charging at the demon and sending it back to hell. It might have been an inferior demon but Clary without being trained or even aware this thing existed had gotten hurt. Some icor had burned some of her skin and some of the demon's venom had entered her system. Jonathan picked her up bridal style. He had never felt her this close and the feeling of it sent a shiver down his spine. He carried her to her apartment, getting the keys in her bag. He knew well the apartment were she lived from all the times he had sneaked in to watch her. Jonathan laid her back in the living room couch and started to clean her wounds most of them were superficial but the the poison in her system worried him to no end. Jonathan applied an iratze. He had hesitated not doing this. He didn't know how she would react.

It was all his fault. Clary had never been attacked before and surely his presence would have attracted some minor stupid demons.
Clary starting to stir pulled him out of his thoughts. He had to get out know, he still wasn't sure it was a great idea for Clary to meet him yet, plus she was save now and most of the wounds had healed.
Clary wasn't sure what had attacked her, only that she had only seen those types of creatures on her nightmares. She did remember half of the incident but the other half was a little blurry.

She had been on her way home when something pulled her to an alley, she thought that she was going to get mugged and was ready to try to fight back but what had pulled her to the alley was way worst.
At the sight of the creature she tumbled down and tried to get out of the alley by crawling but the creature grabbed her by her ankle. The creature hit her hard in the head making her bison blurry and almost impossible to stay conscious. Just before she fainted a tall guy was charging at the creature, stabbing him with some weird pointy thing, a sword?

She nearly sensed being carried up a flight of stairs, the stairs of the apartment where she lived, she had fallen unconscious but a little sting on her right arm made her want to open her eyes but her body didn't responded. Clary managed to open her eyes a little. The same guy from the alley was leaving, had he saved her?, She caught a glimpse of blonde her and black eyes before he vanished.

It had been almost a week since the incident she hadn't told anyone about it, not even Simon whom she told everything. But Clary couldn't stop thinking about the guy that saved her. He looked oddly familiar and trying to draw him was only stressing her out for not knowing who he was.

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