Chapter 2

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When Jonathan got to the apartment he's father was waiting in the living room with a brandy snifter in his left hand "Where have you been?". his father inquired with a soft yet threatening voice. He was going to get whipped. "Just out". He said steady he wasn't afraid anymore. One day that old man would kneel to him just before he killed him. He just had to wait a few years and soon he would have his sister by his side and the world at his feet.

"Do not lie to me Jonathan". He was going to take the beating.

She was home alone again her mother either drinking or working. Jocelyn was never home and beacuse of that she had to learn how to do everything around the house (well the crappy apartment where they lived).

Clary checked the clock in her nightstand, 3:10am. Great, another night without sleeping. Her thoughts went to if her mother had paid the rent or at least some of the payments she owed or at least any of the many bills Jocelyn owed. what she made from working after school wasn't enough to cover everything. They where lucky that the landlord hadn't kicked them out yet. Clary always had the feeling that she was out of place, she didn't fit in the daily rutin, well wasn't that what all teenagers thought.

Jonathan took a while to gather the strenght to return to his room. His back ached but this wasn't the worst beating he had recived. He would have to find a way to at least get to see his baby sister without his father knowing. He remembered that his father kept the second ring that allowed him to move to one place to another in a locked drawer inside his locked office. Jonathan will have to figure a way to sneak in again and steal the ring, Valentine would not notice it was gone.

His mind drifted back at those precious moments where he got to see her. Even if it was just the first time and saw her from a distant point he felt like he knew her completely and at the same time longing to know her more.

The next day his father left for a mission leaving him alone in the apartment, giving him the to sneak up into his office. When he fianly got the ring he thought about going to see her again but hasitated, Valentine would be back soon.

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