💑Chapter - 7💑

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Thank you so much dear friends who read, voted and commented......

I'm dedicating this story for all my regular readers, silent readers, followers and my beloved friends.....

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Let's get into the story.....

After abhi dropped pragya in her hostel.... She is smiling continuously....

Pragya (herself): what happens to you pragya.... Smiling like a mad.... Why are you always thinking about that abhi???... Stop smiling and thinking about him.... He is just your friend OK.....

saying this to herself pragya slept.....


Next day.....

It's a class hour....

In pragya's class....

Class is going on.... Our pragya is no mood to listen to class she felt bored.....

Pragya: tanu (she called silently)...

Tanu: mm..

Pragya: I'm going to introduce you to my new friend...

Tanu: new friend???...who is it???...

Pragya: wait till break time...

Tanu: OK....


In break time.....

Abhi's friends are seated with abhi in the canteen ....

Abhi: so guys I'm going to introduce my new friend....

Maya: new friend???....who is he????

Abhi: not he.... She..

Maya: she???

Maya (herself) : who is she now????? No I won't allow anyone to close with my abhi..

Pragya came there with her friends.... She went towards abhi's gang .....

Pragya's friends shocked... As well as abhi's friends too....

Pragya: bulbul, tanu, Alia see my new friend Abhi....

Abhi smiles....

Abhi: yes guys... Me and pragya are friends now....

Everyone shocked but at the same time felt happy.... Everyone gets introduced with each other..... While introducing vin hugs pragya....

Abhi felt jealous.... He doesn't know why he feels like breaking the bones of his beloved brother like friend for pragya (abhi too bad 😱😱)....

Maya: but abhi she is the one who slapped you, insulated you and acussed you unnecessarily.... And you are saying that she is your friend....

Abhi: yes Maya I know... Now everything is solved... Past is past..... Let's be friends.... Shake your hands with her Maya...

Maya gives the forceful smile to pragya and shakes her hand....

Bulbul: so everything is solved.... We should be friends forever... (she shouts in happiness)...

They all placed their hands together showing the symbol of friendship....

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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