Happy (Belated, Again, by a long shot) Valentine's Day (LAST CHAPTER)

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I smiled as Amber walked across the stage in her graduation gown, taking her diploma from the principal and walking back down the stage, to her seat. I'm so proud of her. She graduated with high honours and gets a scholarship to where she wanted to go.

Amber ran over after the ceremony was done, picking me up and hugging me tightly. I giggled softly. "Amber, you're the one who graduated, not me. I still have a year to go."

"A year with much more to come than graduation." She smiled, gently setting me down.

I blinked, tilting my head. "What do you mean?"

She got on one knee and my eyes widened as I took a step back, watching her. This cannot be happening... "I know we're still young, and still technically in high school, but I already know that I want to spend my life with you. I can't picture my life without you, I don't want to. Long story short, Avery Smith, will you please marry me?"

I took a deep breath before nodding. "Yes." I grinned. She grinned and picked me up again, spinning me around. "Amber, stop!" I giggled.

She gently set me down, taking my hand and slipping the ring on. "I'm so glad you said yes."

"Did you really think I'd say no?"

"Well, yeah. You're still in high school, I just graduated, neither of us has a job..."

"And those are things we can work on together. One step at a time, okay? You look for a job, I'll finish high school and get a job... We got this." I smiled, deeply kissing her.

A/N: I meant for this to be up by Valentine's Day, but things just got out of hand. It's also really short.

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