Chapter 3

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"Jason and I used to date, in high school." Dani bit her lip. "We dated for three years, actually." She took Sams hand, squeezing lightly. "When I found out I wasn't as into him as I was into Sam, I tried breaking up with him. I say try, because he refused to believe it. He uh... He gripped my wrist and wouldn't let me go."

Amber frowned. "What happened after?"

"I stepped in." Sam smiled a little. "At that point, Dani and I were not talking, so I wasn't sure if I should have, but I just love her so much that I couldn't watch and I had to help her. Some... words were exchanged, and he uh..." She bit her lip, looking uncertain.

Amber reached over and took my hand under the table, lightly squeezing. I squeezed back, knowing she needed to be comforted, ignoring my feelings for now. "Please tell me what he did. I want to know."

"He swung at her." Dani sighed. "But Sam has fast reflexes so he ended up hitting the lockers... At some point he let go of me and I went to find the principal. When I came back, three guys from the football team were blocking Sam so Jason couldn't get to her."

Amber was silent for a few moments, so I squeezed her hand again as comfort. She sent a small smile my way and looked back at Sam and Dani. "I really want you two at the wedding. I'm glad I don't take after my father, even though I love him."

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"He doesn't like gay people. I want to see him squirm when his ex-girlfriend shows up to his wedding with her wife." She smiled.

Oh my god, I'm even more in love than before. Wait, in love? I shook the thoughts from my head and smiled at Sam and Dani. "Please? You know how much I love weddings."

Sam and Dani exchanged a look before smiling at us. "Okay, sure. But Andrea, make sure you let your mom know in case she doesn't want us there—"

"Oh, I'm sure she wants to see him squirm as much as Amber does." Andrea smiled. "I'll let her know that you're coming." She turned to Amber and I, still holding hands. "This means shopping trip!" She grinned.

I laughed and went back to eating. I tried taking my hand away but Amber squeezed again, not letting go. Might as well take advantage of it. I gave a light squeeze back.

We all sat on my bed, Amber and I sitting with our backs to the headboard, hands still connected, with Andrea in front of us. "So I was thinking we could start shopping tomorrow." She smiled. "I know you're picky about dresses, Avery, so I want to make sure you actually have one for the wedding in a few months."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that picky. But what about p—"

"I'll pay for your dress." Amber looked over and smiled, squeezing my hand. "So don't mind prices. You just find one that's perfect for you."

"Are you sure?" I blushed. She nodded and grinned at me.

"Oh! Did you guys see how hot Adam looked today?" Andrea grinned. Oh god, boy conversations. I stared at Andrea but spaced out, not listening to anything they were talking about. I mean, why should I? I'm not interested in guys. My ears perked up when I head girl. "Yeah, Jasmine I think her name is. She should have her hair down more often, she looks so good with it."

"Wait, what?" I rose an eyebrow.

Andrea softly blushed and smiled, rubbing the back of her neck. "I never told you? I'm bi..."

A/N: It's short again, I know. But two updates in one day!

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