Chapter 10

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I slowly walked in school, my mind still a bit hazed from being sick for a few days. Amber ran over, taking my hand and pulling me close. "You still feel warm, Avie... Are you sure you should be in school?"

"I've already missed two days... I can't miss more. There's so much homework piling up, and I'm probably going down in grades from not being here." I sighed. She bit her lip and nodded, staying close to me as we walked through the hall to my locker.

"Maybe we could talk to your teachers about getting the due dates for your homework extended, so you don't have to worry about it as much."

"That sounds like a good idea." I smile a bit at her, kissing her cheek. "Thank you for your help the past few days."

"It's no problem. If my girlfriend is sick, I'm going to take care of her." She grinned. We stopped at my locker and she leaned against the one next to mine. "We can talk to them after school, alright?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I'll see you at lunch?" I close my locker and she nodded, pulling me close and softly kissing me. "Amber... Am, we gotta get to class." I giggle.

She groaned and slowly broke apart. "I just want to kiss you all day."

"I've wanted this for a while, so I know how you feel, but class first. You can come over after school, okay?" I smile and peck her nose.

"Actually... Could you come home with Andrea and me? I'll let you know why after school." She pecked my cheek before quickly walking away. What the hell was that about? I shake my head and walk to class.

"Thank you so much for the week extension." I grinned at the last teacher we had to ask. They all gave me a week extension for my homework from when I was sick, and even the homework they gave today. I shoved my books in my backpack and closed my locker, jumping. "For fucks sake Amber, you could have at least told me you were standing there."

"I'm here too!" I squeal and jump back, turning to look at Andrea. "Oh that was fun."

"I hate you both." I frown, turning and walking to the doors of the school.

"No you don't." Amber caught up with me, taking my hand. "Can the three of us stop by the park on our way home though?" She bit her lip, looking at Andrea and me.

"Sure." Andrea shrugged, and I nodded.

We sat on some swings, gently swinging back and forth. "So, Amber, what—"

"I want to come out to my dad."

I put my feet down, skidding to a stop. "You what?! Are you crazy?" I look over at her.

"I want him to know. I'm not going to hide this from him."


"I want him to know. If for anything, for myself, so I can be free."

I stare at her for a second before sighing, nodding. "Is that why you wanted me with? For support?"

"Support would be nice... And to introduce you as my girlfriend." She smiled. "And maybe freak him out with your last name."

"You are diabolical." I roll my eyes at her.

"That's why you love me." She leaned over, softly kissing me.

Sadly, I do.

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