Chapter 13

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I sat at Jason and Fionas (Andreas mums) wedding, watching Amber stand up front with Andrea. The music started and we all stood, watching Fiona walk down the aisle. Her dress is so pretty... I looked over at Amber, slightly tilting my head. I wonder if we'll ever get married... I hope we do. I love weddings and wedding dresses. A tug pulled me from my thoughts and I looked at Dani as everyone started to sit. I nodded, sitting next to her. "Thank you." I whispered.

"No problem. I know weddings can make some people spacey." She smiled at me, before looking back at Fiona. I looked over, seeing Dani and Sam holding hands, the two close to each other. I want a marriage like them. They barely fight, and when they do, they make sure to talk things through. They're always being so cute and cuddly. I sighed, looking back at Fiona and Jason. Amber was staring at me with her eyebrows furrowed, looking worried. I shook my head and smiled at her. She nodded slightly, looking back at Fiona and Jason.

I sat at the reception, watching as Fiona and Jason did their first dance. When the music stopped, the emcee announced that it was time for the next dance, typically done with the brides parents. Amber and Andrea walked up, Amber going to Fiona and Andrea going to Jason. That's so cute. When it came to the time for toast, Amber stood up, lifting her glass. "When my mom left us, I was sure the world was going to end. Dad and I went through a lot, but we still had each other. When he met Fiona, it was like he was a child again. Staying up late to talk to her, always talking about her no matter the time. I wasn't sure what love would be like, if a mother could leave her child and partner like it was nothing. However, after watching my dad and Fiona, and finding my own love, I knew there was more to it. I love you two, and especially my new sister. I hope when I get married, it'll be as great as this one, and have a nice marriage like I'm sure you two will." She rose her glass, looking straight at me. I blushed deeply, looking down. Oh my god, she's talking about marrying me. Dani gently elbowed me and I groaned, looking up and raising my glass like everyone else. Amber just smiled, sitting back down.

Once the plates were taken away, Amber, Andrea, Jason, and Fiona walked back to the dance floor. Andrea and Fiona danced together while Jason and Amber danced. Jason stood aside as Andrea went back to their table, Fiona holding her bouquet. "Time for the bouquet toss!" The emcee announced. "All single ladies get to the dance floor!" I groaned, but then looked at Amber. Oh right, I'm not single anymore. I smiled at her and she smiled back, watching the other ladies walk up behind Fiona, standing with Andrea to catch the bouquet. Fiona did a fake toss, holding onto the bouquet when she was supposed to let it go. "I actually have a plan for who this bouquet belongs to." She started walking, and my breathing got faster. She's walking in my direction... Fiona handed the bouquet to me and I blushed deeply as Sam and Dani started laughing. Fiona giggled. "You're a very important person in this family, and I have a feeling you'll be using these soon." She winked and went back to the dance floor for the garter toss. I groaned, hiding my face in the flowers.

The music started back up with a slow song and there was instantly a pair of feet in front of me. I looked up, seeing Amber looking at me, her hand out. "May I have this dance?" She smiled.

I set the bouquet down and took her hand, standing. "You're such a nerd." I giggled at her, going to the dance floor. She went right to the middle, pulling me close. "I don't know how to slow dance, Amber."

"Then just let me lead." She smiled, showing me where to place my hands. She set hers where they belong and started dancing. "Don't think. I can tell you are. Just let me lead you."

"Bossy." I mumbled, setting my head on her shoulder. She laughed, holding me close as we danced. I closed my eyes, imagining this as our first dance at our own wedding. Maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself, but I like the idea of marrying her.

I felt fingers in my hair and I leaned more into her, relaxing. She softly giggled. "You're like a cat."

"Shut up."

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I know this part has skipped a lot, and there's a lot of skips in the chapter, but I couldn't think of anything. I wanted to get another chapter out since I haven't in more than a year.  I want to be able to finish this story. I want to get back on track with writing. I hope this chapter is okay.

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