New Beginnings

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"Filthy! Disgusting rat! No! I won't do it!"
"C'mon Mei. He's not that bad."
"I already brought him in. What nore do you want?"
Angela sighed.
"Morrison, somehow, sees potential as usual. He believes that you should be the one to try and convince him."
"Why me?"
"I guess because everyone knows how kind you can be. Sure he is probably sick-looking from radiation, but he seems a cheerful lad. Plus who couldn't resist your offer. You're adorable!"
Mei looked at her flustered.
"Oh! I hate it when you all call me that!"
Angela clasped her hands pleadingly.
Mei growned and crossed her arms.
She went into a dark room. It was lit by a dim light. The fowl smell of burnt hair filled her nose. It was unpleasant. She picked up a slight smell of death. Mei crossed her arms and stared across a metal table. A skinny man covered in dirt and ash was sitting at the other end. The ends of his hair were burning and he glared up at Mei. His mischievous grin sent shivers down her spine, but she kept her composure trying to look as intimidating as possible. She was surprised that someone so tattered had such perfect teeth. He spoke in a thick Australian accent.
"What do you want shorty? Did you get lost or something?"
"No, I'm here to ask you if you would consider joining Overwatch."
He laughed loudly.
"I ain't joinin no boy band any time soon!"
Mei sighed and clasped her hands.
"Please? You really shouldn't have to go to jail."
The man groaned.
"My weakness! Asking nicely. Ah, fine whatever. I'll join."
"That's Great! I'll go tell my commander!"
"Wait a minute. Can I ask your name, sweet pea?"
She turned and frowned at him.
"Well, it isn't sweet pea so don't call me that. I'm Mei. You are Jamison correct?"
"Call me Junkrat."
"Proper name." Mei whispered under her breath.
"What's that?"
"Oh, n-nothing! Come on."
Junkrat followed Mei out of the room. Mei gasped when she looked down to see Junkrat on a peg leg. She gasped and pointed to it. Junkrat noticed and looked down.
"Oh you lookin at my peg leg?"
"I-Isn't that uncomfortable?"
"Eh, I've learned to manage."
Mei gasped when she heard someone clearing their throat from behind her. She turned and was startled by the sudden presence of Jack Morrison. Mei starred up at his red visor covering his face. He crossed his arms and stared down at the two of them.
"Hey, who let the old man in?" Junkrat asked.
Mei gasped knowing Jamison was in trouble. She was quite scared of Jack. He grumbled under his breath and diverted his glare at Junkrat.
"Oh boy." Mei said in a panick.
Jack changed the subject nearly forgeting what Junkrat had said.
"So I take it he joined the team?" Jack asked.
Mei's face grew red as she stared towards the ground.
"Y-yes sir, he did."
"Good. Mei, you'll be showing him the ropes."
Mei gasped and looked up.
Jack glared at her.
"Is that a problem?"
Mei looked solemnly at the ground.
"No sir."
"Good. Continue with him on yout next mission. Your jet is already set up." Jack walked away.
Junkrat stared down at Mei curiously.
"So you scared of the old man, huh?"
Mei blushed and looked up at him angrily.
"He's very intimidating!"

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