
Maybe if I screamed, someone would help me. Someone would hear me, and get me out of this.

I took in a deep breath and screamed, and the sound woke me up.

I flinched, my eyes burned from opening them so quickly and I quickly turned on my side, pulling my hands to my face and rubbing my eyes. I was out of breath, and sweating, and I struggled to sit up.

Did I... actually scream out loud?

I jumped as the door flew open, Fowler ran into the room and took a look around before jogging up to me, "What happened?!"

"N-nothing. I just-"

"Is there someone outside? Is-"

"No! Stop!" I shouted over him, shocking him into silence, "It was just some-some stupid dream."

I took a deep breath, relaxing myself. I looked at my hands in my lap and Fowler scratched the back of his neck, "A stupid dream, that had you screaming?"

"I only... it wasn't that bad."

He eyed me, and I turned to glare at the window so I didn't have to see his face.

He sighed, deciding not to push anymore, and walked back towards the door, "Try to get back to sleep. If you need anything, don't hesitate to speak up."

"Yes, I know."


I didn't end up getting much sleep after that. It was so hard to calm down to fall back asleep enough to really feel like I slept, but I didn't want Fowler to pester anymore, so I told him everything was fine and I headed off to the base while he went off to work on some other important business that a child like myself shouldn't have to worry about. Him saying things like that to me still baffled me, considering my father would almost never have said the same.

When I got to the base, Jack and Miko were already there with Arcee and Bulkhead, who were discussing something with Ratchet.

"Alyona, how nice of you to join us." Ratchet called out, alerting everyone of my arrival. Jack groaned lightly in the background, and Miko cheered,

"Hey Alyona, you gotta come with us!"

I walked over to the stairs to meet her, "Where to?"

"Only to experience the greatest night of all time!"

I breathed a laugh as she ran up to me, grabbing my wrist, I gasped as she yanked me along faster, "Aren't you excited?!" She pestered, "This is going to be fun! The best day ever!"

"Uh-huh... you seem happier than usual today?"

"One of Miko's favorite bands has a concert
tonight." Bulkhead answered my indirect question simply, like he'd been hearing about this for weeks, if not months,

"But before we can go to the concert, there's something Arcee and I have to look into."

Miko came to a full stop, like she'd shut down, and turned slowly to look at her beloved robot partner, "What do you mean, something you have to look into first?!"

"An old energon mine. Nothing too dangerous, and it shouldn't take long."

"Yes, yes, nothing too dangerous. Well then, it shouldn't be a problem if you take the humans along with you!" Ratchet's eyes lit up at his own suggestion, and then he quickly moved to the ground bridge controls,

"Yup, a rare opportunity for the humans to join their robot friends on a safe mission. Go on now, all of you."

I blinked, both Jack and Miko were unimpressed but for obviously different reasons.

Transformers - Beyond What Meets The Eye - A 1215 FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now