4~Fenton Press Confrence

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I don't really know what I'm doing with this idea but it just kinda came to me a while ago. Hope you enjoy it, sorry for the lack in updates (not that it's unusual for me).

Danny's POV

Backstage was dark and dimly lit with the remaining spotlights on stage. Sam and Tucker sat with me on rickety old wooden chairs as some people in the stage crew rushed by us. Today was an interesting day (even more then normal). My parents were having a public press conference/interview about ghosts, including all their biology research and methods to fight against them.

Even though they still thought all ghosts as mavolent creatures trying to take advantage of humans especially Danny Phantom, I was proud of them. Ever since ghosts started coming to Amity Park they were viewed as less idiotic, psycho, people who obsessed over ghosts, and more so the researchers and hunters they truly are. Tonight they finally really got to share their research to the public, the stuff they'd dedicated their whole lives to.

Both Sam and Tucker were happy by this idea too and came to keep me company since Jazz had emergency research she had to do. The interview seemed to be going pretty good so far, the audience, and live streaming cameras, were eating it up. They were really making it known to the community all about ghosts, sadly that means more people now thought ghosts were dangerous and needed to be destroyed. That was definitely a downside.

It was finally time for the Q&A section, the reporters and journalists were practically bursting at the seams from all their questions. As soon as it started there were dozens of questions shouted out in the audience eventually Mom ended up choosing reporters one at a time. She must have pointed at someone because the guy proceeded to shout out his question "What do you plan to do with the ghosts in Amity Park." Thank the ancients they decided Mom would answer most of the questions "Well, we plan to stop any rampaging we get to before Phantom and then either release them back into the portal or study them for a period of time to make better equipment or learn more then we already do."

Another reporter asked his question "How do you feel about Phantom since he is a ghost as well." I thought they would go onto a speech dictating how evil he was, but instead Mom reluctantly answered "We believe Phantom is... an interesting case." Dad continued for her "Though we don't completely trust Phantom he has protected the town from his own kind many times. Our Jazz is currently researching the mindsets and emotional spans of ghost and has found supporting evidence that they have emotion. And possibly some ideas to do good for others." Mom finished it off "It's in theory so far but Jazz is really certain about this."

Lots of murmuring in the crowd was the response to that. I can't believe it, I looked at Sam and Tucker and they looked equally surprised, Tucker had even stopped multitasking on his PDA "Did they really just consider not all ghosts are evil, including Phantom?" I looked out onto the stage through the gaps in the curtains and saw the honesty in their eyes. I finally responding it sounded weak even to myself "Yeah, I-I think they actually did." Maybe just maybe they'd actually accept Phantom, me, someday.

The next reporter was a females voice who sounded ever so slightly doubtful "So, you actually have children?" I could practically feel the annoyance radiating off of Mom from that comment, luckily Dad responded to that "Yep. We have Jazz in Danny, the most important parts of our lives." A few awww's were heard from the audience, the loudest and most sarcastic was from Tucker beside me until he was cut off by Sam's elbowing him in the ribs.

Mom had calmed down from the comment "The two off them weren't very interested in our career until after the Pariah Dark incident, but after that they seemed quite interested and attentive to it. A little like everyone else too." Many people who had doubted and ridiculed the Fenton's before the incident shifted awkwardly or even coughed. *Cough cough* a lot of people did *cough*.

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