3~Undercover show

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I don't own Danny Phantom (obviously). The crappy art is mine. So this part is going to basically be narrated through an episode on television. It's supposed to be some sort of reality show thing that goes undercover and reveals the truth about interesting mysteries. I really don't know what I'm doing, but I hope you enjoy.

The show started off facing the big Amity Park sign, that said 'A great place to live'. It soon panned over to a man in his late twenties, with light brown hair and wearing a gray suit. "Hi Andrew Corey here, welcome back to another episode. Today we'll be investigating the mystery that is Amity Park. Some people say 'a great place to live' is the complete opposite to describe it, having it's accounts of ghosts attacks and constant property damage. We're going to find out ourselves if America's most haunted city is really up to these standards."

The screen then showed some cheesy intro where some clips of their past mystery moments, putting it together with insert popular song

It next changed to a view of an average park with some towns folk walking around in it, which made sense for the sunny day. The host of the show approached a couple standing under the shade of a tree "Hi, I'm Andrew do you think either of you could answer some questions about your town?" They both shared a glance and the girl spoke up "You must be a tourist. Well you'll find some things out within a few hours." the host loooked quite puzzled, but pushed on "So what do you think about the towns 'supernatural visitors'? Or are there any you've met." The boy answered that, snorting "Well I've only met a few personally but theirs plenty around town. Some more annoying then dangerous."

The clip cut to a group of teenagers, recognized as the 'popular' kids with boys in lettermen jackets and noticeably pretty girls. A pretty Hispanic girl started gushing "Phantom is a hero. He's saved me so many times and he loves me. I was his first Phan and the first one to beleive in him like ever." A blond girl beside her started vigorously nodding her head.

It cut to a lone teenager by a tree fiddling with a bracelet on her arm "All ghosts are evil, ectoplasmic scum who ruin everything. Especially Phantom and his dog." The name was said with much venom.

The clip finally cut to a group of young adults sitting at a bench after being seemingly asked the same question, a girl spoke up "Well Phantom's pretty nice and the B-o-x Ghost is just plain annoying."  The host showed a slightly confused look "The Box Ghost?" gasps went around the group a groan from the back was made prominent "Oh no. Now you've done it." A glowing figure  phased out of the ground giving the poor host a mini heart attack "I AM THE BOX GHOST!! YOU HAVE SUMMONED ME WITH MY SQUARE OVERLORDSHIP!!! NOW WHERE ARE ALL YOUR BOXES?!!!" One of the group stood up on the table with a very annoyed look on their face "WE DON'T HAVE ANY BOXES!!" The Box Ghost just stared at them for a second before flying off yelling "BEWARE!!!" The Amity Park citizens just sat back doing and continues on with the day like nothing happened, the host was looking around frantically.

The view changed, showing the host who had calmed down much more then befor but still looked a bit on edge. Behind him was what would have been a normal brick house was it not for the giant neon sign the read 'FentonWorks' and the UFO built into the roof. "I'm now here at the Fenton's, Amity Park's resident ghost hunter where most citizens pointed me to today immediately after I asked multiple questions about their spectres. Let's see if they have an explanation for us." Stepping up to the door, the camera following him, he knocked.

After a few seconds of loud bangs through the house a large man in a bright orange hazmat threw open the door pointed a large silver and green basouka down at him. Poor Andrew scrambled back "GHOST!" Even the camera man backed up from the large man until he looked around an lowered the bazouka realizing there was no ghost. A petit red haired woman in a blue hazmat suit stepped out beside him "Honey that's not a ghost it's a young man and his friend with a camera." Andrew finally finding someone sane started "I was wondering if you could answer some of my questions about ghosts."

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