1~Quartet Blooming

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Obviously I don't own Danny Phantom, I just own this writing. Hope you like it~

Danny's POV.

Me and Sam are walking into school, heading towards our lockers and to meet up with Tucker. The hallways were quickly filling up with teenagers dreading and getting ready for another day of this hell hole of a school. We were almost to our lockers when suddenly up ahead Mickey's slammed into a locker by Dash while some jocks stand around them laughing.

I growled, I've finally decided I'm done with all this bullying. I'm done with these kids being mistreated and ignored, including me. I started walking over to them, Sam following me slower behind me with a worried expression. She wasn't worried about me, she was worried about what I would do to the jocks.

"Stop" my voice was plain and coulda few people watching from the side of the halls flinched. Dash sneered in my direction "And why should I Fenturd?" he slammed Mickey harder into the lockers. Mickey whimpered slightly definitely going to get a bruise on his back, combined with the fact that I had two hours of sleep because of many ghosts, especially the Box Ghost. I snapped.

"Dash I'm really done with you, you have no place or reason to treat anyone this way. And you know what? In twenty years you're going to be sad, alone, and working at the Nasty Burger. Mickey will be a genius millionaire, successful, and happy with life. There is no reason for you to do any of this, unless you really are trying to be a worthless person." I glared at him, my eyes flashing my neon green for a moment.

"Pff, whatever." He put Mickey down and walked at a quick pace down the hall, his little group following him. Even as he walked away I can see how there's some fear in his eyes and his face was slightly paler then usual. But that wasn't important right now, and I turned back to Mickey.

He was also a little pale, but there was a small smile on his face. I reached down, picked up his fallen text book, and handed them back to him. Sam put her hand on my back, turning back to her for a second, I let a small smile grace my lips. Turning back, Mickey smiling glad from the turn of events.

"T-thank you" he finally squeaked out, I was about to respond when the bell rang making him jump. Laughing slightly I decided to ask him before he left "Do you want to eat lunch with us?". He looked a little startled to be invited to sit with the oh so secretive mystery trio. "I-uh y-yeah sure!" he managed to say, "Bye!". With that he rushed off to his first period class. As Sam gave me a thumbs up as we started walking towards our lockers and our class.

Needless to say Mickey had a good time at lunch.

<Line break brought to you by cinnamon rolls everywhere>

3rd Person POV.

The mystery trio and Mickey were walking through the halls, talking and laughing. Mickey was somewhat like an unofficial member of the trio but was more of an extension waiting to happen. Mickey wasn't bullied as much anymore and if he was the trio would be there to back him up, and there'd be hell to pay.

They were headed on there way until Sam noticed Paulina talking to Elizabeth and insulting her. She narrowed her eyes and walked closer to see what was going on. Like Danny she was trying to put a stop to all the bullying and unfairness around the school and all of town. There really was no way of stopping her anyways and I think some of the bully's had excepted that.

They could then hear Paulina's high pitch voice "You're just an ugly nobody. You'll never be popular or have any guys. How dare you even think of taking to me. I'll make sure your life here is hell." Alizabeth looked like she might cry "I-I". Sam had enough "No she isn't. Paulina get it in your little head that I you can't control anyone. And honestly your so stupid, it's sad. You only think about yourself, you're just a shallow bitch." Sam finally finished her rant.

Elizabeth looked released and Paulina looked like she'd been struck for a moment before putting on a disgusted face. "Don't you dare call me shallow you witch. Don't even come close to me." Sam took a step towards Paulina while Mickey put a comforting hand on Elizabeth's shoulder and lead her back a bit towards Danny and Tucker.

"I'd rather be a witch then anything like you." Sam said coldly, walking back towards the group. She put a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder "Don't listen to her. She's not worth it." "Thanks" Elizabeth finally said starting to smile. The group started walking away all with smiles on there faces.

Mickey made good friends with Elizabeth.

<Line break of boats(I totally ship it)>

Danny's POV. 

 I swear I don't know what happened. One minute Mickey and Liz (Elizabeth) were getting to be close friends and were talking about ways to stop the unfairness in the school. The next they had saved Aiden and Elaina from bullying and now they were their own awesome quartet that stopped every bully attempt on sight.

They still hang out with us sometimes but we watched them bloom by themselves and now there's a new wonderful friend group in the school. Tucker thinks they should be named the nerd crew, I say that's weird and we can think of a much better name. But usually it takes a few months for a friend group to be named correctly, so we must have patience. When I told that to Sam she said "Since when are you the all wise one of friend groups?"obviously I responded "Because I am the almighty leader of the Mystery Trio and I know all." That's when I got a hard elbow to the gut and Tucker soon joined me when he mumbled "Lovebirds."

So a new quartet has formed. I know they'll do great. Just the other day I saw them standing up to some A-listers and saving students in the lower social groups. Let them be heroes to nerds and losers alike. Maybe one day they can stop-HOLLY GHOSTS THEY'RE TRYING TO STOP SKULKER I NEED TO SAVE THEM!!


......Jazz would be proud.

Whelp here's the first oneshot. It's not that long but you've gotta start somewheres. I'm warning you in advance there will be more jokes and cheesy lines in the future. I hope you're prepared.

Edited: 08/15/19

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