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 "Ne, ne Yuuto." The pale skin girl pokes her childhood friend who was trying to concentrate on his homework, keyword trying. The boy only made sound of acknowledgment without glancing at her. "I'm bored."

 "Then go finish your homework."

 "I already finish it longs ago."

 It was silent for few seconds, Kidou then sigh as he close his homework knowing that the girl won't let him be in peace if she didn't get what she want.

 "Fine then. What do you want to do then?"

 Juuzou look deep in thought, then she shrug. "Don't know. How about you? Anything on your mind?" She ask with excitement show in her eyes.

 Kidou fold his hand. "I have one actually."

 "Really?!" She shout happily as in sync the boy cover both his ears knowing that she would do that. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She jump off Kidou's bed and run out of the room.

 The boy silently just watch she disappear. It was few seconds later that Juuzou appear with sheepish smile while scratching the back of her neck.

 "Where was it that we will be going again?"

 Kidou shake his head smirking in amuse.

 "Uwaa!!!" Juuzou exclaim as she look around the empty amusement park.

 "It belong to Father's acquaintance. He will be having the grand opening in next month but he allow me to come and try it if I want too."

 Juuzou look at him in disbelief. "Why didn't you brought me from the beginning then?"

 He shrug. "I thought of bringing next week. I guess today won't hurt right? Go on then, see anything that you want to try."

 Her expression brighten up as she start dragging him around the park. The first stop at the gift shop. Juuzou look at the collection of animal's ears headband then at Kidou.

 She shake her head in disappointment. "Such a pity that penguin that they didn't have one for penguin."

 "Then it would be lucky for me then." Kidou comment chuckling. Something then catch his eyes as he goes and grab it.

 Juuzou was so focusing on which headband would suit Kidou until she finally feel something on her head. "Eh?" She goes to touch it and felt two pair of fluffy texture. She spun and look at Kidou who was smiling at the sight of Juuzou with pair of white cat's ears.

 "It suit you." He comment causing the girl to clench her hands imitating cat.

 "Nya." She pose cutely causing Kidou to blush but cover it with coughing.

 The girl goes right back to search for suitable headband for Kidou while the boy just keep watching her. Unnoticed by himself, he was smiling watching how happy the girl are.

 Kidou end up with bunny's ear much to his dislike, but he didn't put up a fight knowing that he would lose. They rode roller coaster which made Juuzou happily scream all long the ride while Kidou calmly ride it. However he start puking when they get off causing Juuzou to laugh at his state. They also earn a photo that was taken during their ride showing happy Juuzou and serious Kidou who actually getting sick riding it.

 They then rides sky drop, pirate ship and even playing bumper car. They then goes inside the haunted house. Juuzou would look around the house in awe at the decoration when ghosts start appearing. But both of them appear unshaken causing all the ghosts to sweat drops. It would have said that all the workers that have to act as ghosts became discourage or heartbroken at the flat reaction from their first customers.

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