34• That Little Rascal

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I pace back and forth in front of my father's office in the CIA building. I'm a little early, but I wouldn't want to be late and hold the team back.

My hands fiddle in front of me as I repetitively move. I wonder what it's going to be like in England. Will it be similar to the U.S., or will I feel like I just stepped into a whole new world?

I'm in the middle of thinking about the huge bag of clothes I packed that is leaning against my dad's door when someone steps out of a nearby office and eyes me.

I glance up, realizing the person is Aubrey. She has her orange hair pulled back in a pony tail, and she wears a doctor's coat with soft blue scrubs underneath. She smiles when she sees me, her freckles shining in the light.

She moves closer to me, letting her country accent ring throughout the hallway as she says, "I haven't seen you in a while. What's been going on, Vanessa?"

"Uhhh..." I let out a breath and clasp my hands in front of me. "Well, nothing much... Just been busy with Jerome's team, doing their mental health assessments and training."

"Oh, yeah. I heard the news." Her smile widens as she lunges forward and gives me a huge hug. "I can't believe you are a part of their team. It's a whole new level for doctors."

I can't help but feel a little weary. "What? How have you heard of this? I only got approved yesterday."

"I know." She nods. "Word gets around fast, though, when it's interesting. You're like the CIA's crash dummy. If you work, everyone gets to drive."

My heart sinks. Jeez. No pressure. "Well, let's hope I succeed, then, for the sake of all the doctors."

"Eh." She lets me go and shrugs. "You can do it. And if you don't succeed, which I highly doubt, the world won't end."

I was already nervous, but now I'm feeling ten times worse.

She must see it in my face because she sympathetically smiles. "I promise."

"Thanks." I say, but no tension is released. "I was already nervous because the team and I are walking a thin line and I don't want to mess everything up. I think I've just gained their trust."

"Have they gained yours?" She queries, shifting her weight comfortably.

She is so interested with me and my life that I feel like we are already good friends. Which is silly. I have little to none of those. "Yeah. I guess you could say that."

Maybe one has gained a lot more of trust than the others, since I did make out with him.

She hesitates. "Wait... Are you blushing?"

My eyes flicker to her as I feel my face growing hot. "Oh, God. I don't mean to. I was just thinking about..."

"Hold on." Her voice rises and I put a finger to my lips to gesture for her to quiet down. She doesn't listen as she exclaims. "Are you thinking about one of those hunks?"

I feel like I should probably deny it, but who else am I going to talk to about Ethan? "Yeah. Me and one of them may have kissed."

Aubrey's small mouth drops wide open. "No way! That's crazy." She shakes her head and looks me up and down. "What lead up to it? Hot moments where you'd brush against him?"

"The opposite." I say smoothly. I've thought about the kiss all night long. I've never lost so much sleep thinking about a boy. "It was an emotional connection."

"Oh." She sound slightly disappointed, but her smile is still grand and genuine. "Well, I'm happy for you."

Then, she glances down at the floor. "What's with the bag?"

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