33• Part of the Team

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Ethan walks into the apartment all casual, but something is off. There's a glow to him that I can't quite pinpoint the reasoning for.

I'm sitting alone on the couch when he asks, "Do you know where Felix is?"

"Not here." I let him know. I lean toward him, curiosity tugging my eyebrows together. "He and Ajax ran to get some errands done. Why?"

"No reason." Ethan tells me, but instead of leaving—like he would if he really wanted to keep a secret—he moves toward me and plops down on the couch. "I just wanted to talk to him about something."

"Talk to me." I suggest with my most winning smile placed upon my lips.

He moves until his butt is at the edge of the couch, and then be buries his face in his hands. His fingers run through his hair, his movements impulsive. It's like something is the matter, but it's not. Like something is bothering him, but at the same time something is exciting him.

I'm not sure what to think as he sighs and says, "I don't know if you'll have the advice I'm looking for."

"What?" I crack up at that. "My advice is the best."

He grins and stands up. He begins pacing the floor, the smile still there. He grumbles something under his breath, almost as if he is at war with himself on whether or not to tell me what's on his mind.

"Just spit it out already." I say, my interest peaked. My heart rolls around inside of me, begging me to get the information from E.

He stops pacing and throws his hands up in the air. "Fine. I kissed Vanessa."

Multiple emotions flood me at once. The first one is disappointment. I mean, of course I'm excited for my main man, but I sort of thought Vanessa liked me a little bit. I kind of like her. I just thought we had something, but maybe it was just my imagination.

The second wave of emotion that floods over me is happiness. I love Ethan and seeing him so bubbly and frustrated at the same time. It's the look a man has when a woman gets under his skin.

The third emotion is fear. We just got the two of them back from torture. Vanessa, a second time. How many times will she be thrust into our world's darkness until she doesn't come out of it safe? If they kissed, it means commitment. Perhaps, a commitment that might ruin Vanessa's life.

I swallow and recall what everyone agreed on earlier.

We all agreed to let her in.

I have to stop thinking about the what ifs. I have to be happy for my brother.

"Hell yes!" I cheer as I shoot to my feet and embrace Ethan. We hug each other, both patting the other on the back. I feel him tense up and grimace, so I quickly let him go. "My man!"

He laughs. "I have no idea how I feel about it. I mean, it was in the moment. It was hot. Romantic."

"Sexy?" I move my hips back and forth and he rolls his bluish gray eyes.

"I guess." He chuckles, the laid-back look on his face rare.

"Tell me how it happened." I say, standing back and watching as his facial features relax.

"Well, we had been talking for a while," he says softly. "And then she said something about our previous kiss and I couldn't shake the look she was giving me. Damn, her caramel eyes just drove me toward her."

I can't keep the smile off of my face. "Then what happened?"

"Well, her mom walked in." He says, resting his hands on his hips. "But when her mom wasn't looking, I kissed her back, making sure she knew..."

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