{ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐕 }

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Uraraka's POV

I heard an alarm go off. It scared the crap out of me (excuse my language, I usually only use the word crap when I'm around Bakugou). Suddenly two guards rush in and untie the ropes trapping me to the chair.

"Who are—?!" I begin to say, but my mouth is covered by one of the guard's hands.

I look up into the guard's face and I now notice that it's not a V.P. guard, it's Bakugou! I look at the other guard and it's Kirishima.

I immediately take Bakugou's hand off my mouth and passionately kiss him. He kisses back. I look at Bakugou, and I see a tear roll down his cheek.

"Wow, Bakugou crying?? Aww did you really miss me?" I say.

He looks away and says, "Shut it, chubby cheeks!! Someone must have been cutting onions or something!"

Kirishima clears his throat. "Guys we better hurry before the real guards catch us."

We begin to run towards the exit. While we're running I ask, "Why haven't they caught us yet and how did you both get in?"

"Well," Bakugou begins, "Kirishima, Momo, Tsu, Todoroki, and Kaminari told me they wanted to help rescue you, so I found a minor villain that hadn't gotten away from the attack and forced him to tell us where the headquarters were at. Todoroki froze the cameras when we got here, and Kirishima and I found the first guards we could find and stole their outfits while everyone else was fighting off villains and rescuing any one else they can find. Thankfully now we have some police and All Might to help us.

As we run I see guards lying on the floor unconscious. Even though they were bad, I hope Bakugou and everyone else wasn't too hard on them.

We finally make it outside to find three police cars and Todoroki, Momo, Tsu, and Kaminari waiting for us. Before a police officer tries to take me aside for questions I hug all my friends.

"I missed you all so much!" I say with tears in my eyes.

"We missed you too!!" They all cry.

I'm then questioned for a little while. I can't help but look up at the pretty orange and pink sunset. It's beautiful, and I'm very happy that because of Bakugou and our friends I get to see it again.

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